Establishing healthy energetic boundaries with family members, friends, associates, coworkers, and even strangers is important in disengaging from negative energy. Some highly sensitive individuals struggle to keep their energy from bleeding into the energy fields of people around them, or strive to prevent other people’s energy from infiltrating their energy field. Most “sensitives” have felt themselves taking on the emotions of others as if they were our own, or being sucked dry of energy in the presence of “energy bullies.” Share on X
If there are toxic people around us on a consistent basis, and we are allowing their negativity to affect us within—like a slow moving infection—this alone can bring on disease by weakening our defenses. Even if the negative energy created by others in our lives is at a very low level, our health and longevity can be affected by being closed off to the abundance of love offered to us from so many other sources.
Here are 5 steps to Disengage from Negative Energy:
1)Retreat: If you’ve ever attended a party, family gathering or shared an office with an energy leech, you’ve probably felt your eyes get heavy, you feel sleepy or drained, your mood shifts from positive to negative, or you feel irritated or agitated. It’s important when you feel these symptoms coming on that you give yourself the permission to pause and remove yourself from the situation as soon as possible. You can get some fresh air or spend time with people who give off positive energy.
2)Re-evaluate: You can ask yourself, “How can this interaction with this person help me to spiritually grow?” or “What is this person or situation showing me about myself?” Every exchange in life, good, bad, or neutral, is an opportunity to become free of your fear-based patterns, self-sabotaging behaviors, and open your heart in love.
3)Restore: After any negative encounter, you need to detox the lower vibrational energies you have absorbed. Deep cleansing breaths, showering, and spending time in nature are natural ways to clear your energy system. All of these will ground and bring us back into energetic balance.
4)Raise: Practice raising your energy vibration by opening your heart and radiating beams of love. Love brings you into non-resonance with lower vibrations and you can still radiate love from a distance without losing yourself.
5)Re-Enter: When you re-enter an interaction with someone or a situation, do so slowly and with conscious awareness as to what buttons are likely to be pushed again. Keep the interaction short and sweet, end conversations swiftly and with love, and lessen the time and duration you spend in toxic situations.
Reacting to any person by getting upset or angry only entrenches us further in the unhealthy interaction. Share on XOnly by pausing, opening our hearts, and becoming aware can we notice the vulnerabilities that have hooked us into such toxic situations. Although we are solely accountable for our reactions, the more we set healthy energetic boundaries, the less vulnerable we will be to the negativity of others, and the more proactive our responses will be.
Wonderful post Debra. I appreciate your practical tips for tending our energy once we’ve taken on another’s heavy energy. This is still an area of growth for me – but so important. Having clear and healthy boundaries supports our loving others by beginning with ourselves! Joni
Debra, thank you for these easy to practice tips. The holidays can be so draining on my already fragile immune system & certain family members tend to zap all of my energy rather quickly! 🙂 I usually just retreat, but now I can practice your other R’s! xo
Wowza ~ perfect timing, my friend. I had a whole bunch of “somebody’s somethin” flung in my direction earlier today. I was able to retreat, change what I was doing and, “coincidentally” had scheduled a massage. So much better than reacting (which is what I thought I wanted to do.) Namaste.
Such wise advice Debra. Even though I don’t consider myself empathic (not in the Deana Troi sense), we can absorb the energy of others, me included. For me, the place where I need to be aware of the energy is at work. I’m blessed to work from home 3 -4 days a week. Work energy can be really weird sometimes. I’ve learned to ground myself before going into the office and I imagine wrapping myself in bubble wrap 🙂
Timely wisdom for me today, Debra 🙂 I was just talking with a couple of women yesterday about learning the fine balance between making energetic connections to hold space for someone while also having an awareness of the need to shield, at times. Thanks for a great guideline!
Your advice here is bang on! All your ways to re-center back into ourselves indeed will keep the negative energy at bay.
Much love,