“Honor the space between no longer and not yet…. This is the place where resilience, possibility and opportunity are born.”~ Nancy Levin
Just like there’s a space between one breath to another, there’s a sacred space between no longer and not yet. It’s a transformative space that opens up when you move from one phase of your life to another. It’s essential to honor this sacred space that allows you to integrate all that has happened or experienced in your life, and what you want to create in the future. It’s the creational space where all possibilities exist for you manifest your highest and best life.
Sometimes these transitional breaks are short bursts and others last for a few cycles. Sometimes they’re clearly delineated and at times can creep up on you when you least expect it. Sometimes you can stay too long, resisting the spiritual growth that comes with such phases. Yet, all of these purposeful pauses provide the sacred space to integrate the past and welcome all that’s new.
You don’t need to always know what’s next. Trusting that “what’s next” will reveal itself in divine time isn’t always easy: but you do need to trust that you will receive the divine downloads when they present themselves in divine timing.
Here are 3 sacred ways to honor the space between no longer and not yet:
Integrate Your Previous Experiences: Before you can begin a new phase in your life, you need to integrate all of your previous experiences and spiritually complete the current cycle you’re in. That’s because all of life’s experiences call for a tying up of loose ends. Often, you don’t see the significance of a life event or lesson until you have completed it. You may feel a sense of spiritual completion regarding any situation when you know in our heart of hearts, you have done your best. When you take time to integrate your previous experiences, you gain a perspective on a soul level of what has happened in your life. It can feel like you are letting go of one lifetime and opening to a new one.
Let Go of Any Plans or Agendas: Just because you have more space and time doesn’t mean you “have to” get things done. Trying to forcing things to happen when they’re not spiritually ready has never worked for me and probably hasn’t worked for you either. No matter how much time you have on your hands, be gentle with yourself and let go any plans, agendas, or expectations. Accept where you are at this moment in your life, lean into the stillness and just be.
Be Open to Receive Divine Downloads: Being open and aware allows you to see the divine signs and receive the divine downloads that are always there to guide you. Trust your first gut feeling. When you sense or feel something’s right at that moment, it usually is. If you have a doubt, then there is no doubt. Your spirit acts in straightforward ways so you can recognize the divine signs it offers. These whispers of spirit lead you to the highest version of yourself that is always guiding you to your soul’s path.