“When the soul is heard but not engaged, we fall into a type of sorrow, a soul depression.” ~ Bill Plotkin
Looking at our life from a soul perspective expands our understanding of ourselves and why we are here. It helps us discover who we are at soul level and what’s our purpose for being here at this time. It answers the question: Why are we here on Earth at this particular time? From a soul perspective, that answer is: to assist and be a part of the evolution of our human consciousness to a higher level.
Adopting a spiritual perspective puts the cosmic power into your own hands for co-creating the life you want. It offers a higher vision of the infinite possibilities instead of seeing only the physical limitations of life. Viewing your life from this vantage point opens you to a field of unlimited possibilities that defies ordinary three-dimensional experience. You can begin to perceive and choose from infinity—an infinite number of possible choices.
Your soul blueprint impacts the choices you made before you were born―such as choosing your body, gender, parents, and the genetic and environmental circumstances―of your physical life. However you are responsible for these prior choices and how they affect your current choices while living on Earth. Knowing from a soul level that you made such choices before you were born can empower you to make current choices that shift to a higher vibrational frequency.
With this level of spiritual clarity, you can make the choice to transcend any outside forces you think limit you—from your parents to the difficult boss you encounter today. You don’t have to drop down into the drama, suffering, or turmoil of everyday life. Having a higher awareness of your soul’s journey gives you a more expanded and meaningful experience of your life. You can make choices from a higher vision without fear, angst or judgment and with a three hundred sixty degree view of your life.
We come to Earth to acquire whatever spiritual information we need for our continued soul progression. For example, it’s like stopping for a layover when traveling by plane to an eternal destination. Each person’s soul journey is unique; yet, we are energetically connected to others for our soul’s evolution. Ultimately, we cannot know another’s soul journey, even when that person is as close to us. Yet, we can acknowledge that whatever choices they make are part of their soul’s path. Regardless of the length of time we’ve spent together physically, our love and connection transcends the physical universe, and energetically resides in the eternal space of the soul.
Here are 3 Ways to View Your Life from the Perspective of the Soul:
- Adopt a Higher Perspective: By expanding your higher awareness, you access a greater wealth of information to support your soul’s evolution. Shift from viewing things simply in physical terms to seeing why things happen from a higher, enlightened perspective. By doing so, you begin to sense, feel, and intuit what resonates with your soul’s path. You become aware of hunches, gut feelings, intuitions, multisensory perceptions, or divine synchronicities. You start to see things from a multi-sensory system rather than a five sensory system. Like 2020 vision, this leads to a higher level of expanded awareness and sudden moments of clarity. Like flying in an airplane and viewing the ground below, you can obtain a more elevated, spiritual perspective on your life. Through such conscious awareness, you can access the spiritual information coming through your heart, and act on it without reservation.
- Tap Into a Field of Infinite Possibilities: You hold the power to co-create the divine life you want through tapping into a field of infinite possibilities. You are connected to this field of universal energy that emanates from you. By becoming aware and intentional, you open yourself to the exquisite space of co-creation. Like dropping a pebble into a pond, your intention sets off an energetic vibration that radiates outward from your heart center and shifts everything in its path. The pond is the field of infinite possibilities and your intention, the pebble. When you bring awareness and energy to this space, you co-create what you want in your life from infinite possibilities. From this vantage point, you access the space of all possibilities where you can make enlightened choices.
- Respond rather than React: As Wayne Dyer once said, “How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours.” While you may not be able to control other people or certain situations, you can choose how you perceive and respond to them. The moment you react negatively to anything, pause, take a few deep intentional breaths, and shift your attention from your head to your heart. Learning to drop into your heart space in the midst of a challenging situation helps you let go of your reaction and respond more positively. It also brings you into physical and emotional balance. Reflect and journal on a recent situation when you were faced with a challenge. What was your predominant perspective? Did you react from your head space (fear), Why did `this happen to me? or respond from your heart space (trust), What is this situation revealing to me at soul level?
I recently participated in a course where one of the sessions was dedicated to viewing the world as filled with infinite possibilities and reframing our thoughts to counter the logical how part of our thoughts. Thank you for reminding me to practice it!
Glad to be that spiritual muse for you this week! Much love and blessings <3
Yesterday I was feeling much grief and sadness about the state of our nation, politics, and the pandemic. I could feel that I was slipping into a place of despair. I had a conversation with a friend who is supporting another dear friend in the dying process. I shared what had been helpful when I supported a family member when he was dying, which was that the most powerful and healing thing I had to offer was love. It reminded me of my spiritual purpose and the intention I repeat often – I am love. I choose love. I radiate love. It was amazing how transformative that reaffirmation of love was. Not only did I not slip into despair but I actually felt buoyed up by my spiritual purpose to spread love and compassion in the world. I so resonate with your message Debra and thank you so much for your wisdom and inspiration.
Thank you Kelley for sharing your beautiful experience with your family member who recently transitioned. There’s so much despair in the world right that it’s hard to stay buoyed but the vibration of love does uplift and elevate us. I love you mantra I am Love I choose Love and I Radiate Love Powerful Much love and blessings xo
I have been more in touch with my intuition, what Louise Hay called her “inner dings” during the last few months than at any time in my life with one exception. I realized I had lost that connection and see this time as a gift to clean that connection and start listening more.
I love the “inner dings” metaphor! I call these downloads of intuition the “pings from the universe.” Heightened time right now where our intuition is expanding in leaps and bounds. Glad you are listening more to that divine connection Barb. Much love and blessings xo
Thanks for sharing your enlightened wisdom and practical tips for viewing life from your soul’s perspective. I particularly resonated with the tool you shared to support us to respond from our heart space rather than reacting from our headspace. You’ve given me some more thoughts to ponder.
Thank you Pamela! We are shifting from leading with our analytic head space to leading form our heart space. Time for all of us to awakened to the divine universe within each of us. Much love and blessings xo
Wow ~ this one really got to me, in a positive manner. I’ve always been aware of my intuition but, frankly, in my younger years I had no idea what to do with it. I think it takes a level of maturity to stop rushing in the process to “define” that knowing. I just know because I know. The less I defend it the more powerful it becomes. Thanks for an important post. 😘
Thank you Andrea for your sweet note. Such a powerful statement…I know because I know. That’s radical trust from a soul perspective. Much love and blessings xo