You are more than your thoughts, emotions, or the physical circumstances that you find yourself. Although you are in a physical body, you are connected to an energy field that is formless, vibrating, pulsating, and emanates from you. You are an eternal being of light energy in a human body.
Everything in your external world is a reflection of where you are vibrationally. As a light being, you have the ability to lift yourself out of the lower vibrations you find yourself and elevate your vibration. Remind yourself on these days when it’s difficult to stay in high vibration that you are first and foremost a being, navigating the physical lifetime your soul has chosen.
You hold the power to co-create a life that is resonant with your soul’s path through tapping into your heart which connects you to your source field. You are connected to this field of universal energy that emanates from you which means you are constantly attracting and co-creating everything in your life.
You are responsible for the energy you bring to every moment. Every moment gives you the opportunity to choose the vibration you want to be in. Remember that everything in your external environment is a reflection of where you are vibrationally. Become more aware of the energy you’re emanating or taking in.
You generate the power of light just like our sun. You can consciously plug into this energetic field of light through using your spiritual rituals or sacred practices. Sacred practices or rituals keep you grounded and focused on the higher vibrational frequencies.
Here are 4 Simple Strategies for Recalibrating Your Energies:
Tune Into Your Energy: Pause and observe yourself when you are in a challenging situation. Ask yourself: Is this the vibration I want in my life? Do I resonate with the energy I’m in right now? Do I feel good in this vibration? Do I need to change the vibration I’m in?
Journal the answers to these questions and notice if there are any patterns to when you feel in high vibration and when you don’t. Once you are aware of when you’re not feeling in high vibe, you can start to make different choices.
Meditate on Gratitude: The energy of gratitude amplifies your vibration and enhances your health and well-being and this energy ripples out to others. So, it’s important to anchor this high vibe energy throughout your energy field. Meditation is a simple practice and the benefits far outnumber the time it takes to do it. Simply take five minutes at the beginning and end of the day to open your heart to your soul and strengthen your connection with the universe.
Instead of wishing away these challenging times, drop into your heart and move into gratitude for the challenges you’ve experienced. Each of them helped your magnificent soul to evolve. Remind yourself that the more challenges you have, the more soul growth you experience. This will help you view what’s happening in your life from this higher level of awareness.
Open Your Heart & Connect to Source: Close your eyes and place your hand on your heart center. You can tap your fingers on your heart to stimulate the energy here. Take a few deep breaths inhaling love and exhaling fear. Now visualize a pearl of white light here. Feel the light energy filling your entire heart space and expanding out the top of your head. Visualize a stream of white light moving up from your heart and out through the top of your head (crown chakra). See the light energy stream connecting you to your divine source. Focus your attention on this stream of light energy like alternating current, picture a figure eight from your heart out the top of your head and back to your heart again and now down to your feet. Feel the stretch between heaven and earth. See a cord of white light connecting your heart with your divine source.
Practice Mindful Breathing: The breath elevates your vibration by calming the body, specifically the parasympathetic nervous system. Notice your breath and it will tell you where you are. A 4:4:8 count breath exercise recalibrates your energies and brings you back into balance and high vibration. You inhale for 4 counts, pause at the top of the breath for 4 counts and then exhale for 8 counts. Pausing at the top of the breath and lengthening the exhale are important elements in calming the body and recalibrating your energy to a higher frequency.