You have chosen an extraordinary time to be on earth to assist in the healing of humanity. This is an intense period of self-healing, self-discovery, personal and global transformation. Therefore, maintaining balance and centeredness is challenging right now as we navigate the rough seas of this shift in human consciousness.
Yet, you may feel anxious navigating the energies of these intense and turbulent times. You are not alone. Because of this energetic intensity, you may feel more edgy, restless, and unsettled than usual. You can sense what other people and the world needs and want to provide it.
It’s not easy remaining calm in the center of chaos. However, when you feel yourself spinning out with anxiety, you have the power to choose to respond rather than react. Being responsible or “able to respond” when life comes at you can help you sustain inner peace in turbulent times.
Here are my top five ways to stay calm and centered in the midst of uncertain times.
1.Practice Gratitude: From an energetic perspective, our first line of defense is gratitude. The practice of gratitude plugs you into the high vibration of love and this is the anecdote for fear because where love exists fear does not persist. Fear dims your light and zaps your power; yet, gratitude amplifies your light and sustains your power from the inside not from something outside of you. It enhances your health and well-being and this energy ripples out to others. So, it’s important to anchor this high vibe energy throughout your energy field.
Supportive Resources:
The Power of Profound Gratitude Even in the Messiness of Life.
4-Energy Shifting Strategies to Maintain a Positive Mindset
2.Stay Centered in Your Heart: When you drop into your heart space, you remain grounded like the eye at the center of a tornado even as anxious thoughts spiral through your mind. Thru bringing your attention from your head (ego) to your heart (soul), you create energetic balance or harmony. Focusing your attention at your heart doesn’t just calm an anxiety-ridden brain and nervous system; it also brings your body, mind, and spirit into energetic coherence.
Supportive Resources:
11 Empowering Affirmations to Open Your Heart
3 Simple Anxiety-Soothing Strategies to Take You from Panic to Peace
3.Ground Your Energies: Grounding your energies helps you to tap into your physical body during times of anxiety, fear, or panic. It allows you to direct your energy down through your body to calm, center, and re-balance your energies. Whenever you feel fear, your energy tends to collect around the top of your head. This sudden rush of energy to your head may make you feel unsteady, dizzy, or ungrounded. When you’re ungrounded, you may feel disoriented, discombobulated, or as if the physical grids of the earth are shirting beneath your feet.
Supportive Resources:
Read or listen to “A Sacred Exercise for Grounding in the Midst of Frenetic Energies.
4.Choose to Respond: You hold the power to respond rather than react to your circumstances, a power you never lose as long as you live. This energetic power comes from your heart (soul) whereas reacting comes from your head (ego). Every situation in life―good, or challenging―is an opportunity to become free of fear, to open your heart to yourself and receive whatever information you need to spiritually grow.
Supportive Resources:
Read or listen to Take Your Power Back by Choosing to Respond (Instead of React)
5.Increase your spiritual practice. This precious time is a gift to your soul. It’s a time for rest, release, and reset. You are not only being physically quarantined, but spiritually quarantined. Take time for quiet, stillness, and going within to commune with your soul. Meditate, pray, walk in nature, talk to your angels, and connect with your spiritual guides. Not just once a day, but several times a day. Trust yourself and your connection to your divine source. You have the strength, courage, and inner knowing to make it through with ease and grace.
Supportive Resources:
Trusting Your Connection to Source:
5 Mindfulness Practices to Take You from Panic to Peace
Great tips Debra. I do all daily. Gratitude is a lifesaver in times like these. Many Blessings, Lisa
It sure is Lisa and one of my go-tos. xo
I love the way you’ve set up this post — with lots of explanation of what we might be feeling. I’d never heard that dizziness could be fear energy collecting in my head and am looking forward to some outside grounding a bit later today. Thanks for a wonderful contribution to my day.
Thank you Andrea. My joy to serve and off wisdom in challenging times like these.
Thank you for sharing your wisdom as well as your support. I especially love #5
My joy to serve Heather xo
Powerful practices and amazing resources, Debra. Thank you! Reading your guidance, I remembered Osho’s advice to go to source when we feel ungrounded or uncertain.
I find that daily gratitude and increasing my spiritual practice does wonders for my fears and uncertainty.
It has always been my go-to Barb; but now more than ever. xo
Thank you for all the wonderful supportive resources Debra! Grounding ourselves in our spiritual practice and staying calm for ourselves and others is a wondrous thing.
My joy Debra! xo