“To find the beloved, you must become the beloved.” ~ Rumi
Having a soul-hearted partnership with yourself is the foundation for inviting into your life a beloved partner. To attract a soul-hearted partnership, you must become your own beloved partner. The same goes if you want genuine love, you must be a loving person. If you desire absolute trust, you must be trustworthy. If you want true intimacy, you must be open and truthful with yourself and others. You attract what you desire in a partner by embodying those qualities.
Here are 6 sacred practices that will assist you in inviting in your beloved partner:
- Take purposeful breaks to avoid initiating a relationship from impulse or rebound:Spend timealone to discover your vulnerabilities and release your insecurities. Ask yourself, “Am I initiating relationships from a fear of being alone or for security, money, or status?” Check in with yourself when you feel reactive or insecure, giving yourself permission to pause and find a place where you can center yourself, listen to the voice of your heart, and make choices that are consistent with this information.
- Evaluate your relationships to see if they are appropriate to your current lifecycle: Every relationship you participate in is a barometer of how you see yourself. Look at your relationships and ask yourself: “What kind of relationships do I have, and are they in alignment with my soul’s path and the life I desire? How do I feel about myself while in these relationships? Am I engaging in behavioral patterns that are detrimental to my well-being? and What patterns and issues am I trying to resolve by being in certain relationships?” Respond to these questions in your journal.
- Interview potential partners with whom you are currently inrelationship: Observe the people you are considering dating, are currently dating, or are in relationship. Ask your heart these questions and journal the answers: “Does this person’s words match their choices in daily life? How do I feel about myself when I am with this person? and Does this person take full responsibility for their choices in life? Is this person open to spiritual growth and supportive feedback on their soul’s path?” Ideally, your potential partner will be trustworthy, loving, playful, and exude a sheer love of life. When you are with such a person, you feel inspired, safe, and free to express your true being.
- Set the intention to attract in your beloved partner:Trust that your intention is supported by your divine source, you invite into your life a beloved partner. This process is facilitated by the fact that the beloved partner has also set an intention to have such a partnership energetically aligned with your intention.
- Envision your beloved partner:Manifestation of any intention can be assisted by visualization, so it helps to imagine how you want your partner to be with Reflect on the qualities you would like to have in a soul-hearted partner. Visualize attracting people who also have a high vibration and soulfully compatible with you. Open your heart and visualize your beloved partner. To reinforce your image, share it with your soul support team or write about it in your journal, refining the vision as you gain more information.
- Invite into your life a soul-hearted partner by acting as if this has already occurred:To invite in a beloved partner, you can create energetic space and act as if this person already exists in your life. You can do this by setting an extra place at the dinner table, sitting next to an unoccupied chair at the coffee shop, keeping an extra pillow on the bed, or opening up a parking space in the garage.
When you invite in a beloved partner, you engage in the ultimate dance of soul-hearted partnership, sharing your joy, passion, and exuberance of life with this person. The unending flow of positive energy that you exude affects how you wake up in the morning, walk and carry yourself, handle disappointment, give and receive love, and sustain the partnership.
Would you like to dive deeper into the topic of soul-hearted partnerships? I invite you to order a copy of my award-winning book, Soul-Hearted Partnership: Creating the Ultimate Experience of Love, Passion, and Intimacy.