As we wind down 2018, many of us are considering our intentions for the new year. We are reflecting on what we want to let go of and what we want to bring into 2019. Yet, what if we saw intention as more than words we speak or write when we want to create something? What if the “energy” of intention guided our every thought, word and choice? In other words, we lived intentionally in every moment.
Your intentions direct your awareness and energy to the space between each breath, thought, word, and choice. Liking a tuning fork being struck, intention creates a vibrational space which is the present moment or the “Now.” When you bring awareness and energy to this space, you illuminate infinite possibilities.
This ignites co-creation. In this space, you can co-create whatever you want. When you do this from one moment to the next, you consciously co-create your reality all the time.
This is living intentionally. When you live intentionally, you consciously co-create what you want rather than unconsciously let life happen to you.
This can be really challenging when you are caught up in the daily habits of your brain/ego which can only be in the past or future. There always seems to be a distraction whether it’s a thought, feeling, or compulsive behavior that takes you away from the present moment. When you are unintentional, you unconsciously direct your energy which leads to unconscious choices.
So how do you do live intentionally when life comes at you and you feel distracted and overwhelmed? Being mindful of the energetic space you create in any moment is key to being intentional. There are several mindfulness practices that that can assist you in living intentionally.
- Slow down and create space between one transition and another. Be mindful of any transition whether it’s between one thought to another, one movement to another, or one choice to another. When you slow down, you can pay attention to your thoughts, feelings, and energy. It provides the pauses, so you can become aware of every moment and what kind of energy you are bringing to it. Some of the spiritual practices that can assist you are: mindfulness movement, meditation, yoga, and breathwork. These practices all provide a sacred container for you to notice, observe, and become aware of your breath, thoughts, feelings, and choices in any given moment.
- Be silent for periods of time to help you tune in to your inner dialogue. Silence provides a sacred space to consciously notice without judgment what you think or say to yourself on a routine basis. These thoughts form the basis of your automatic unconscious choices that over time become unconscious habits. When you practice being silent, you can interrupt these automatic thoughts and habits with gentle affirmations such as: “Cancel, Cancel or Bless and Release.” This practice will begin to rewire your brain to create new neuropathways.
- Make Intentional choices that soulfully align with you. To do so, you must be open to innovative choices. Innovative choices can create an even better outcome than you imagine and aligns with your soul blueprint They not only uplevel your vibration and well-being, but also the well-being of the planet and all its inhabitants. Each intentional choice you make serves yourself as well as others’ highest and greatest good.
Being intentional, creates a conscious relationship with our lives. By living intentionally, we co-create the reality we truly desire and inn alignment with our soul’s path.