“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart.” – Helen Keller
Tuning in to our intuition or inner wisdom helps us develop a more spiritually conscious and integrated relationship with ourselves. We all have sensitivities that we can listen to guide our lives whether it is a gut feeling, an “aha” moment or an inner knowing. When we are inspired or “in-spirited,” our senses tune in to this pure vibration. Opening our hearts, we can access this pure flow of information and invite spirit to guide us to make better choices in our lives.
With an open heart, we can intuit information, bypassing the incessant chatter of our brain, and see new possibilities from an expanded perspective. This insight enables us to make more inspired choices. To interpret this spiritual information we can ask ourselves, “What is the significance of my experience?” or “What am I being guided to see?” If the answer is not immediately revealed, we can let the question resound in our hearts until the answer floats through our conscious awareness, often when we least expect it, such as while awakening from sleep, showering, or driving the car. This flow of intuition can also be achieved when we are listening to music, writing, running, or making love-in which nothing else seems to matter.
When we tune in to our intuition, we soon realize that this leads to a richer, more expansive way to live-even when it takes us down a more challenging path. In trusting our inner wisdom, we are assisted with daily problems and waste less valuable time and energy being anxious about life’s difficulties. In addition, it allows us to respond rather than react to events and relationships, giving us even greater peace of mind. Yet, being disconnected from the guidance of spirit diminishes our conscious awareness and traps us in the details of daily life, leaving us at the mercy of circumstances, wandering aimlessly without a sense of direction or purpose.
Acknowledge yourself as a strong, sensitive and intuitive person connected to source and open to new information coming through your heart. This perspective will help you view life experiences of all kinds as opportunities to fulfill your divine potential.