“I bless and release anyone or anything that isn’t in alignment with my soul’s path.” ~ Dr. Debra Reble
As our world is radically changing, we have the opportunity to radically transform as well. In light of the new energies coming onto the planet, we are being called to energetically clear our internal and external space. We are getting cosmic nudges to let go of what no longer serves us, right-size our spaces, and simplify our lives.
The process of letting go isn’t as hard with the outdated clothes in your closet or unwanted items cluttering up your living space. Yet, it’s a much bigger stretch when it comes to clearing your life of unhealthy relationships, negative energy, and self-sabotaging patterns. You are being called to consciously examine your life, become more aware of how you are using your creative energies, and make positive, more enlightened choices for yourself and the planet.
For example, I recently let go of my car, “Little Blue” as I fondly called her! It was one of those discerning choices that comes from everything falling into place in divine timing! First, she isn’t really meant for the beach, (sorry Blue) but you’re more of a city girl! Her warranty on parts and service was up and no one here in Sunset Beach to service her. And, with my partner, Doug retired and me working from home, it felt aligned that we become a one car family for as long as we need.
Thank you “Little Blue” for keeping me, my family and friends safe the last four years and for giving me such a wonderful driving experience! I bless and release you with grace and gratitude! May you take precious care of your next owner as you did me. What comes up for you to energetically clear and clean from your life?
4 Steps to Energetically Clear Your Internal Space:
- Release any negative feelings that came up for you in your journal. Ask your heart, “How is this experience helping my soul to evolve? What is this experience showing me about my patterns?” You don’t need to force a response, just allow this moment of self-awareness to sink in.
- Transform your daily shower or bath into a clearing ritual to cleanse your energy field after a stressful day. Visualize the water as liquid light, clearing away the toxic energies from the day or situation. See the negative energies going down the drain. Repeat, rinse, repeat.
- Bless and release any anxious or painful feelings and the situations that trigger them. Bless the people and situations for bringing these experiences into your awareness for your spiritual growth. Now release anything or anyone that isn’t in alignment with your soul’s path. Now take a deep cleansing breath and clear the energies of the day. Even sigh out the energies all the way down your body and out the tip of your toes.
- Visualize any person or situation where you’ve taken in negative energy in pink light. This sacred practice seals the negative energy away from you because the vibration of pink light governs the physical universe. It cuts your connection with these lower vibrations so you can stay open-hearted without compromising your own energies.
3 Steps to Energetically Clear Your External Space:
- Cleanse your work and living space. Burn incense or sage and move it through your space. Start in the center of the room and move out from the center to every corner. Ask your spirit guides or angels to assist in clearing and cleaning the space. Release any negative experiences or energies and set new intentions for whatever you desire to come in.
- Clear out desk drawers and closets. When you come across papers, photos, or gifts from a previous relationship, keep what you cherish and discard the rest. Release all items from past relationships that block the flow of energy in your life. After you’ve cleared these items, diffuse essential oils, light incense, or sage the space to elevate the energy.
- As if staging your home for sale, scan your work and living environments to see which things feel aligned with you at this time in your life. Decide which items to keep, move to a different place, release, and give away. Once you’ve decluttered, diffuse essential oils into the space that you’ve just cleared. Don’t rush to put something into the space you’ve just cleared. Enjoy the open space and allow what is in alignment to show up in divine timing.
This space clearing process is a prelude for co-creation. It will allow you to create space in your life to clear what’s no longer in alignment with your soul and bring into your life what is.