“In Soul-Hearted Partnership, Debra Reble shows her skill as a thoroughly modern therapist, boldly addressing today’s issues of spiritual fulfillment (or the lack thereof) and the right to aim for it in the context of intimate relationships. If you’ve ever yearned for a deeper connection with your mate, read this book for the step-by-step tools you need to revitalize your current relationship. If you are single, this book will help you aim for something far more fulfilling in the future.”—Nina Atwood, M.Ed., LPC Therapist, author of Soul Talk, and host of singlescoach.com.
“To enter Soul-Hearted Partnership is to start with a poet’s phrase, “We are alone together.” Then, we follow the incandescent journey of relationship. We find the belief that we are more than ourselves and can yield without loss, in fact, can yield to receive. A book about relationship’s felicities does not suit me. A book only tender and kind is not enough either. But the combination of the best of these practices honed from the arc of heartache to what is viscerally joyful as well as painful, rings true.”Grace Cavalieri is a critic and a writer. She produces and hosts “The Poet and the Poem from the Library of Congress” for public radio.
“This book offers clear and affirming guidance through the intricacies of the heart path—teaching the universal truth that understanding the depth and breadth of our own desires is the surest way to loving relationships.”Gina Ogden, Ph.D., Author of The Heart and Soul of Sex and The Return of Desire
“Based on solid and timeless spiritual principles, Soul-Hearted Partnerhip eloquently affirms the truth tha tlove of others must be first grounded in healthy self-love… A coherent, well-written, and practical gudie to heightened self-awareness and self-healing that can only enhance your relationships with others and with however you would define spirit.” Jodie Forest Author of The Ascendant and coauthor of Skymates and Skymates II
“With kindness and spiritual wisdom, Debra Reble’s Soul-Hearted Partnership shows that regardless of life circumstance we all have the power for personal transformation and consciously creating a spiritually healthy partnership. This innovative book will guide you, step-by-step, on your own path of discovering relationships as the launching pad to your personal spiritual awakening.” Layne and Paul Cutright, Bestselling authors of You’re Never Upset for the Reason You Think