At this unprecedented time, humanity is expanding from a fear-based consciousness to one of universal love. We are in this unique window where we are releasing the old paradigms and creating a New Earth. This process is opening our heart centers in connection with our souls like never before, and facilitating personal and global transformation.
For human civilization to not only survive but to evolve spiritually, we must release fear and expand our consciousness to love. Universal love is the answer to healing the suffering of humanity and bringing peace to an otherwise troubled world. Each of us possess the divine power to circulate love into every corner of our world. As more and more of us discover this truth, this paradigm shift will accelerate rapidly. This global transformation is expanding our human consciousness beyond the confines of our minds and the conditions of the physical world, and bringing our hearts into loving coherence as one energy source.
Over the last twenty-five years, there has been increased excitement about these energetic changes in the world. Some mystics, seers, and prophets have foreseen a new age characterized by a profound shift in our consciousness to love; others have speculated about such a time being the end of the world. Whatever our perspective may be, such a transformational shift is having substantial effects worldwide. On an international level, we are experiencing devastating climate changes, stock market volatility, geopolitical turmoil, and a pandemic. On a personal level, we are struggling with health, financial, work, and relationship issues while also experiencing compassion fatigue, energy drains, and deep-seated vulnerability. The uncertainty of our times is a reflection of a profound and intense time of transformation. We must trust that love is always the answer and prevails even in the most devastating circumstances.
Many contemporary thinkers propose that instead of viewing this as a cataclysmic time, we see it as a time of awakening to shift our consciousness from fear to universal love. This paradigm shift can increase the power available to us for spiritual transformation and the advancement of humanity―provided we realize how to consciously wield that power.
Amidst the chaos in the world and the turmoil in our lives, we must focus our energies through our heart centers, and work to dissolve our ego. It is our ego-centeredness which has given rise to, and reinforces, our fear. When we identify with fear instead of love, we feel disconnected from the source of who we are, alone and separate from the rest of humanity. Just like a droplet of water is not separate from the ocean, we are not separate from the infinite energy we share with our fellow beings.
For our physical survival and spiritual growth as human beings, it is imperative that we move from an ego-centered consciousness to a global consciousness of universal love. This time is about dissolving the ego structures we have used to perpetuate fear, greed, narcissism, and negativity. For instance, we are clearly observing a breakdown of political, educational, financial, social, environmental, medical, and religious structures that have been abused through a corruption of power and need to be released so healthier, positive forms can emerge. In fact, the decline of these structures, which are built on typically patriarchal foundations, is now reorienting us to a new balance of masculine and feminine energies. This process is necessary for human transformation. We are leaving a material age where greed and fear have ruled, and entering a creational age that focuses on the power of universal love. As evolutionaries of love, we must connect to and harness the power of universal love―and, in the process, see that anything is possible. Women must take the lead to transform our world to a consciousness of love, harmony, and peace.
The more we connect with the power of universal love, the more we can become fully realized as one creational energy, a communal consciousness, and a universal heart. The innate power of love transcends categories of gender, culture, race, and religion, becoming greater than the energy of each individual. As a result, this universal flow of energy keeps expanding in all directions until our whole life experience becomes infused with love.
The evolution of humanity has brought us to the pinnacle of our spiritual development to date. Our human transformation is breaking fixed physical patterns, and opening us to the new information we need in order to complete our spiritual evolutionary processes. In the past, spiritual beings such as Christ, Mohammed, and Buddha have come into this reality emitting a higher level of vibration, and have broken through these fixed conditions. They sourced their vibrational energy from light, and overrode the energetic system of their time. For the first time, humanity is waking up to themselves as love and an internal purification process is taking place. This awakening, while uncomfortable and unsettling, is part of our spiritual evolution and the beginning of a new enlightened and peaceful Earth.
Before we can experience this new paradigm of universal love, we must recognize that a level of our human consciousness is saturated with suffering, and needs purification. In recent years, human consciousness has been weighted down with pain and sorrow, which has taken a physical, emotional, and spiritual toll on us in the form of illness. The increase in illness on a global scale, specifically heart disease, cancer, and autoimmune conditions, has skyrocketed. Additionally, mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, and addiction have become the new normal. In the United States alone, the use of anti–anxiety drugs is up by 30 percent from just ten years ago, and one in five Americans takes at least one medication for depression. In fact, we are more ill, anxious, depressed, addicted, and medicated than any other society in recorded history. In order to move forward with the next stage of our spiritual evolution, we must realize that we can no longer only treat the symptoms of the diseases that plague us, but must address the root of the problem—the increasing lack of emotional and spiritual connection and misalignment of physical, emotional, and spiritual energy systems.
Yet amidst the deluge of diseases, catastrophes, and turmoil, we are being given the information and tools we need to purge that negative energy, and create a new landscape of love from the inside out. Although this energetic clearing may appear negative, it actually reflects the positive emergence of love energy from within.
Until this shift in our consciousness to universal love is completed, human suffering will continue. When we are out of energetic alignment, we experience physical or emotional illness, but healing through love aligns and integrates our physical, emotional, and spiritual energy systems, resulting in wholeness of being. When we embrace love as the means to cease our perpetual struggle and stop the breakdown of our bodies, minds, and spirits, we will witness the universal healing of humanity.
Absolutely beautiful post and in alignment with myself and the blog I posted this week. Love is what me need. Your kind words and the truth is powerful. Divine love and light.
Thomas Keating said that “Our first, middle, and last name is love.” That’s true for all of us.
I love your post, Debra, it spoke to my heart. One of the few silver linings that I’ve noticed in this global situation is the uniting of people across nations to fight the invisible enemy. I know we’ll win this war because of our collective consciousness.
This blog is inspiring and visionary Debra and I resonate so much with the message to choose love and transform ourselves and the world. Thank you for the reminder that, “We must trust that love is always the answer and prevails even in the most devastating circumstances.” My mantra/intention has been: I am love; I choose love; I radiate love. Even in the most overwhelming of circumstances that is what I can do and feel I am making a difference on this planet. This is the time for all of us to know how powerful we are in being love and spreading love and healing in the world. Thank you so much!
Debra, This post is SO in sync with my thought process too. Its a time of conscious change and this is the right kind of change the planet needs…a change to love consciousness. I especially agree with this, “Until this shift in our consciousness to universal love is completed, human suffering will continue.”
May the shift be a permanent one. Amen!