Having a “sacred chat with your soul” is essential on a daily basis. Through this meditative dialogue, you learn to listen to soul speak rather than ego chatter. It helps you to know who’s talking, guiding, or leading you? Is it your head/ego or heart/soul? Soul doesn’t ever chatter. It gently whispers words of wisdom.
Discernment is key to knowing where you are in any moment. To discern where the information is coming from, you need to slow down, pause often, and interrupt your overthinking ego. Part of this balancing act is discerning the difference between the chatter of your brain and the whispers of soul. Are you sensing, feeling or knowing or are you thinking your way there? When you give way to soul, then the higher mind can follow and then implement the information you received from these higher channels.
This spiritual discernment is conscious soul awareness. This is your intuitive ability to tune in to divine information that gives you that an enlightened more spiritual perspective on life. It’s bypasses logical thinking and sources through the pure energy of your heart, your soul chamber. When you drop down into your heart, you can trust yourself and follow your inner guidance effortlessly.
You were born with the ability to be an open channel of spiritual information. It is your divine nature. Although you may tune in to this energy differently than others, you tap into the same divine source. It’s not your ability which determines the extent to which you are intuitive, but rather how open and receptive you are. This receptivity opens the communication between you and your soul through your heart.
Shifting your attention from your head (ego) to your heart (soul) strengthens your connection to the soul space within you. This opens and expands your higher soul awareness and your angelic team. Tapping into your heart center, you access what it is you want or need for your soul’s progression here on Earth. It is here you tap into your soul blueprint, the template your soul created for your present life and the guides who are here to assist you.
A Sacred Chat with Your Soul:
Grab your favorite journal and pen, curl up, and get ready to have a sacred chat with your soul.
It’s important to create a safe space where you will be uninterrupted. Surround yourself with your favorite scents, sounds, and sensations.
Now, close your eyes, put your hand on your heart, and envision your soul as your spiritual best friend. Invite your soul to come into your present awareness. Open and allow your heart to soften and receive the wisdom your soul holds.
Begin the sacred chat by asking your soul the following questions. Be still and allow the answers to float to the surface in whatever form comes through.
Health: Ask about your health and healing. Is there anything about your body that you’re concerned about? Are there any places in my body that need attention? What can I do for my body to assist it?
Relationships: Ask about an important relationship in your life? What is the nature of this relationship? Why is it happening and what are you to learn from it?
Finances: Ask about your current financial concerns. Is there anything that you’re especially concerned about? Are you coming from a scarcity or abundance? What do you need to change?
Purpose: Why am I here? What is my soul’s purpose here on Earth at this current time?
Service: Ask about your service, career, or spiritual path? How do I best serve? What is my work on here on Earth?
If there’s any personal question you have, ask your soul. And pause and listen.
These are the areas where you are the most vulnerable in your life. Be patient with yourself and allow this sacred information to come through as an intuitive voice from within. With practice, you will learn to discern your soul speak from your head’s chatter.