Decorating my Christmas tree gives me the quiet opportunity to reflect on my life at the end of another year. As I was putting up this year’s tree with my family and friends, I was struck by how each special ornament symbolized a particular moment, period, or season in my life. When I stepped back and looked at the tree, I had glimpses of my past, present, and future.
I noticed my children’s journeys beginning with the hand-blown Lennox ornaments inscribed with “Baby’s First Christmas.” I watched their lives unfold as I touched handmade preschool creations, school pictures inside tiny holiday frames, and their once favorite pastimes like hockey, soccer, and horses. Their newer ornaments spoke of their present paths and the future represented by ones that captured their hopes and dreams.
Even our pets were chronicled on our tree. Our yellow labrador, Scooter who passed away in August is remembered with many ornaments that capture his sweet, beautiful face. We placed these symbols in the front and center on the tree as a reminder of the blessings he gave our family and of the love we will always hold in our hearts. This year, we have added a new ornament, a ceramic golden retriever puppy who speaks to our present and future.
Some of the ornaments symbolize friends who have passed through our lives and moved on. One crystal round ball catches my attention and I see the face of a dear friend who died of AIDS many years ago. A shiny, brightly colored angel ornament falls and shatters as I attempt to find a place for her on the tree. I am reminded of the person who gave it to me and that the cycle of our friendship has ended. So, I bless her and the friendship we once shared. And then, there are the ornaments that symbolize the dear friends that continue on in my life and hold a special place in my heart.
Most importantly, I see my present-future in the ornaments that speak to the loving relationship with my partner, children, friends, and everyone and everything that has come and gone in my life. I look forward to the new ornaments that will naturally reside in the space given up by the old ones. When I step back and look at my tree, I see a blessed life and for this I am truly grateful.
I’am thinking of getting a golden Retriever as a puppy for my daughter. Is this a solid choice? Is a Golden Retriever good with little children? My daughter is 6 years old.
We got our puppy Cami short for Cameron almost three years ago for my daughter for Christmas and it was the best choice for us and my daughter. She’s sweet, sensitive and so full of energy. Goldens are puppies for more than two years but we love her energy and have worked with her to become a therapy dog. Good luck on your journey, Blessings Debra