Just hearing the word “responsibility” can feel heavy even daunting. Yet, to co-create the divine life we want, we have to be responsible for our intentions and the choices that we make. So, let’s think of being responsible as being “response-able”—that is, being able to respond to life situations instead of reacting to them. Responding rather than reacting to life helps us to make more enlightened choices. For example, suppose you are ready to leave the house for a scheduled appointment and someone who is going with you is dawdling and not ready to go. You could react by nagging or becoming upset and feeling at the mercy of the other … [Read more...]
The Difference Between Soul Mates and Soul-Hearted Relationships
When we fall in love, we get a glimpse of our lover’s soul. When we flow in love, all impediments fall away, and their soul is all we see. To fall in love is magical; to flow in love is mystical. When we flow in love with another person, we engage in the ultimate dance of soul-hearted partnership, sharing our joy, passion, and exuberance for life. The unceasing flow of love that we exude affects how we wake up in the morning, carry ourselves, handle disappointment, give and receive love, and sustain our soul connection. We should not assume that there is only one soul mate for each person and we have to seek them out to be happy. Rather, … [Read more...]
12 Ways to Leave a Legacy of Love
“Wisdom tells me I am nothing. Love tells me I am everything. And between the two, my life flows.” —Nisargadatta Maharaj Leaving a legacy of love begins with positive energy and a healthy optimism for our future and the future of our world. When we channel love and create what we want in alignment with what is best for ourselves, others, and our world, this flow becomes a spiritual path that leads to living joyfully, abundantly, and well. Leaving a legacy of love is the path of seeing life as a challenge, an adventure―and, most of all, a gift. People who leave a legacy of love no matter where they go are love ambassadors. They aren’t … [Read more...]
Flowing with the Cycles of Life
In the natural world, cycles perpetuate life, such as the changing seasons, the rings of trees, the spirals of shells, or the orbits of planets. They exist because of nature’s forces and reflect healthy growth or transformation. Having a conscious awareness of the cyclical transformations of life affords us a spiritual clarity that promotes healing and a sense of wholeness. The naturalist Rachel Carson describes the value of such awareness in The Sense of Wonder: “Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts. . . . There is something infinitely healing in the repeated … [Read more...]
3 Tips to Creating an Energetic Soul Team
“Friendship is the universal spiritual attraction that unites souls in the bond of divine love.” ~ Paramhansa Yogananda When we create an energetic support team, we invite into our lives people who love us unconditionally, without judging, enabling, or interfering with our choices. Such a soul team consists of kindred spirits who encourage the full expression of our true being rather than our ego or the roles we play. They motivate us to follow our hearts, spiritually grow, and be the best person we can be. When we have a deep emotional bond and a soul connection that transcends all life cycles, it can last a lifetime. These are the rare … [Read more...]
Breaking Free of Our Comfort Zones
“We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty.” —Maya Angelou In 1992, a Chinese freighter mistakenly dropped a crate of 30,000 rubber duckies into the Pacific Ocean. Three months later, many of these “friendly floatees” were discovered on the coasts of Indonesia, Australia, and South America. Some daring ducks headed toward Alaska by crossing the Bering Strait and even sailed through the Arctic Ocean, finally landing on the coast of England. Due to the accidental release of the rubber duckies, scientists were able to better understand ocean currents and wave patterns. … [Read more...]
3 Ways to Remain Positive & Centered During Intense Transitions
“Our life is an apprenticeship to the truth that around every circle another can be drawn; that there is no end in nature, but every end is a beginning, and under every deep a lower deep opens.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson Transitions are intense periods of discovery, self-healing, and personal transformation and open space for new possibilities and spiritual growth. From a spiritual point of view, a person’s life is a constant series of transitions: changing jobs or careers, suffering from and healing an illness, beginning or ending relationships, having a baby or facing a death in the family, and initiating or completing creative … [Read more...]
Tap into Your Spiritual Resilience in Times of Crisis
“Tapping into the potential of your spirit is what enables us to manifest miracles.” —Deepak Chopra Our spiritual resilience makes it possible not only to endure hardship and suffering, but to use any challenging situation for spiritual growth and transcend even the most devastating circumstances in our lives. When we can rise above whatever is happening in our lives, we increase our compassion for others. Spiritual resilience involves connecting to a divine energy source greater than ourselves. The spirit, a vital link between the physical plane and the soul, interacts with and animates an otherwise lifeless existence. It is the … [Read more...]
The Pivotal Moment I Let Go of an Unhealthy Relationship and Chose to Love Myself
In all our relationships, it’s essential that we find a point of balance between supporting our own needs, wants, and desires and those of another person. When we fail to satisfy our own needs, it results in no one’s needs being fully satisfied. Instead of asking for or manifesting what we want or desire, we become tolerant of mediocrity in our relationships. Although it’s wonderful to have a strong drive to support, serve, or assist others, in our need to give, we sometimes become overly responsible or over cooperate. This pattern debilitates us and those we serve. This tendency to over help can lead to a pattern of co-dependency where we … [Read more...]
Come Home to Your Heart: 10 Sacred Keys to Soul-Hearted Living
Living a soul-hearted life is a call to come home to your heart and live in alignment with your soul’s path. What I refer to as soul-hearted is a flow of divine energy channeled through your heart center and expressed as your soul’s path through your human experience. You can live in spiritual alignment with your soul’s journey through incorporating these heart-centered principles into your life. Practicing these principles will not only, open you to a more positive energy flow which brings you clarity, vitality, happiness, and well-being, but be the foundation to living joyfully, abundantly, and well. Trusting Ourselves … [Read more...]