Creating and maintaining healthy energetic boundaries are key to producing a positive flow of energy in our own being as well as our relationships, especially for highly sensitive individuals. At heart, all our relationships are energetic exchanges—opportunities to become a conduit for life force energy. When energetic boundaries are in place, the resulting flow is growth promoting, first for ourselves and then for others. Without such boundaries, however, we can easily exhaust ourselves of energy or inadvertently take on the unwanted energies of others, outcomes that impede our growth and damage our relationships. Establishing energetic … [Read more...]
5 Anxiety-Soothing Practices I Used When a Childhood Trauma Resurfaced
Sometimes an unexpected situation can trigger a past trauma or unresolved emotional wound that hasn’t fully healed. Such an experience can activate a trauma that seems to come from out of blue; yet, has been buried in our psyche for years. Even when we think we have worked through such trauma, more subtle layers can surface for healing when we least expect it. This is what happened to me while scuba diving in Cozumel, Mexico last week. My husband, Doug and I were so excited to dive on one of the most beautiful coral reefs in the world. Yet, it had been almost four years since I had been scuba diving in Roatan, Hondurus. Knowing how … [Read more...]
5 Anxiety-Soothing Strategies for Highly-Sensitive Women
All of us are born with the ability to be an open channel of spiritual information, for it is our divine nature. Although each person tunes in to this energy and information differently, we all tap the same divine source. It’s not our “ability” which determines the extent to which we can receive and use this energy, but rather how open and aware we are. For a highly sensitive person (HSP), it’s natural and easy to be open and receptive. As a highly sensitive person, you have chosen an extraordinary time to be on earth to assist in the healing and expansion of our human consciousness. It’s an extraordinary gift to be highly aware, deeply … [Read more...]
Feeling Anxious? Realign with Your Heart Space for a Soothing Respite
If you are suffering from anxiety, you are most likely disconnected from your heart space. To find your way back to inner peace, you must come home to your heart, the seat of your trust, inner wisdom, and spiritual truth. By focusing on your heart and bringing your attention here, you move into present awareness. This is where compassion, acceptance, and trust in yourself and your divine source live. In fact, anxiety and fear cannot co-exist in the same space. When you drop into your heart space, you remain grounded like the eye at the center of a tornado even as anxious thoughts spiral through your mind. Just by bringing your attention … [Read more...]
5 Ways to Inspire Your Child to Tap into the Power of Love
It’s essential that we assist our children in developing inner wisdom, cultivating self-esteem, and following their hearts so they can become an ambassador of love. When, as a parent, you live as an ambassador of love yourself, you inspire your child to express positive energy and a healthy optimism for their future and the future of the world. When you channel love, and create what you want in alignment with what is best for yourself, others, and the world, you model for them how they can too. This flow of love then becomes a spiritual path for them that leads to living joyfully, abundantly, and well. We want to encourage our children to … [Read more...]
5 Ways to Stay Calm in the Midst of Chaos
It’s not easy remaining calm in the center of a storm raging around you. When fear or chaos arrive and you feel yourself spinning out with anxiety, you have the power to choose to respond rather than react. Being responsible or “able to respond” when life comes at you can help you sustain inner peace in turbulent times. Permission to Pause. My number one tool in managing anxiety is giving myself the “permission to pause” in any situation that arouses a reaction. It provides time, space, and a break from the situation to gain healthy detachment. When you push the pause button, you step back, take some deep breaths, drop into your heart … [Read more...]
The Healing Power of Forgiveness
“If you are really paying attending and really ready to heal, the day will come when you recognize that forgiveness is the only way back to the center of your innocence.“ ~ Iyanla Vanzant Generating a mutual flow of forgiveness renews connection, enhances the sharing of vulnerabilities, and heightens intimacy in our relationships. It is at the core of every soul-hearted relationship, and is an essential dimension of being love. Forgiveness is the willingness to let go of any resentment, judgment, or grievance toward someone who has injured us. It has two essential parts: a release of negative feelings previously held toward the person who … [Read more...]
We Are In an Evolution of Love
We are in the midst of an evolution of love. We have the opportunity to open our hearts more than ever before, and experience love in ways we may not have been capable of in the past. Instead of operating from such fear-based polarities such as right/wrong, good/bad, and win/lose, we have the chance to awaken to the energetic power of love, which transcends physical time and form, and exists beyond problems, limitations, and suffering. Knowing that we are love will heal us in such a profound way that we will become conduits for the expression of love with ourselves, loved ones, and the world. And, since unity and duality coexist, it is … [Read more...]
Self-Love: The Key to Transforming Our Relationships and the World
By loving yourself wholeheartedly, you can change the world. You become a conduit for love when you fully embrace and express your true nature—which is, and has always been, love. The more you love yourself, the more you eliminate negativity, connect compassionately with others, and become ambassadors of love in the world. Like dropping a pebble into a pond, loving yourself creates an energetic vibration that radiates outward from your heart center and shifts everyone and everything in its path. When you emanate the highest frequency of love, you not only receive the benefits of the high vibration, but also raise the vibration of others … [Read more...]
3 Ways to Lean into Your Vulnerabilities & Open to Love
“One word frees us of all the weight and pain of life; the word is love.” —Sophocles The more we lean into our vulnerabilities, the more open we become to love. The areas of our lives in which we feel most vulnerable are health, relationships, and finances. Whether or not we had a healthy and loving childhood, we all experience some form of emotional pain as a reflection of the human condition. Our subsequent pain, when left unresolved, keeps us living in habitual, protective ways and inhibits us from co-creating a fulfilling and happy life. Leaning into our vulnerabilities requires spending time alone so we can confront the source of … [Read more...]