Living in soul-hearted partnership creates a safe haven of unconditional love. When two people connect heart to heart and soul to soul, they radiate this energy through their hearts to themselves, each other, and out into the world. Like two professional dancers, alternately leading and supporting the other, each one brings such energy and connection so the dance flows gracefully and effortlessly. They are not dependent on each other for love, but together reflect this energy to each other and then out into the world. Such love compels them to become more kind and compassionate human beings. An energetically safe haven of love is an … [Read more...]
6 Ways to Release Energy Blocks to Self-Love
“Let love be the light that leads you home” ~ Emmanuel Dagher Releasing energy blocks opens us to self-love, and is an essential practice in being love. If we want to love ourselves, others, and emanate love into the world, we must release anyone or anything that impedes the flow of love within us, and restore peace and harmony to all aspects of our lives. Like removing the kinks from a garden hose to maximize the flow of water, releasing energy blocks allows you to become progressively more open to the flow of love. When you harbor resentment, worry excessively, become angry, or feel stressed, you block the flow of energy in your body … [Read more...]
Spiritual Completion Takes Forgiving Our Past
Spiritual completion takes forgiving our past. This means spiritually releasing every pattern that no longer serves or supports your soul’s path. I’ve been asked over the years, “What’s the difference between completion and closure?” Simply, completion is a spiritual process whereas closure is a physical one. When we spiritually complete a pattern, we let go of it energetically. For instance, patterns are circular so we can visualize cosmic pinking scissors cutting the pattern, straightening it out like a path, and then walking off of it. This process cuts the ties we have to this karmic pattern. It signals to the universe that we have … [Read more...]
Shift Your Anxiety by Taking Time to Pause
Giving ourselves the “permission to pause” is an important tool in shifting our anxiety to spiritual opportunity. It provides time and space to gain healthy detachment in any situation that arouses a physical, mental, or emotional reaction. When we push the pause button, we can step away from the person or situation, take some deep breaths, and drop into our heart space. This helps us refrain from reacting from our fear and responding with love. Besides interrupting our knee-jerk reactions, we can consciously observe the situation from a more expansive spiritual perspective. Taking such a purposeful break affords you the opportunity to … [Read more...]
Your Words Create Your Intention—Choose Wisely!
Love is the highest energy frequency in the universe. And so, our words must source from love. The high vibration of positive words has an uplifting effect on our world, whereas the vibration from negative words has the power to destroy. When we open our hearts, light energy flows through us as pure love, making us conduits for the flow of love to others through our thoughts, words, and actions. As conduits of love, we can receive and transmit energy that is divinely sourced. Then, we can use this information to align with our soul’s journey and sustain the circulation of loving energy through positive thoughts, words, and choices that … [Read more...]
11 Powerful Affirmations to Move You from Fear to Courage
“To be courageous is to lead with your heart, and embrace your truth―your inner thoughts, feelings, and experiences. It dares you to fully express who you are.” ~ Dr. Debra Reble Positive affirmations can move you from fear to courage. They help relieve anxiety, calm the nervous system, and elevate our vibration to a higher level especially when we feel lower vibrational emotions such as fear, self-doubt, or powerlessness. This is where the healing of our anxiety occurs. In every anxiety provoking situation, it’s important to rescript your reactive fear-based thoughts into positive affirmations. But first, you must open your heart so you … [Read more...]
Letting Go of Fear and Inviting in the Blessings in 2018
As we move into 2018, we’re being called to let go of any fear, negativity, resentments or disappointments in order to provide the energetic space to call in the blessings. Start the new year with the resolve to complete the year with love, forgiveness and gratitude for everything that has brought you to this moment in your life. Pay attention and stay centered, love yourself fully and use this powerful flow of light energy to clear your life of anything that is no longer appropriate to your being by making clear, discerning positive choices. Give yourself the freedom to follow your heart and allow light energy to move through you … [Read more...]
Be Love Ambassadors This Holiday and Everyday
Whether we are going abroad or down the street, we can travel as ambassadors of love. Each year on our wedding anniversary, Doug and I travel to a special destination to enter into a new sacred covenant with each other. This annual celebration provides an opportunity to reflect on the previous year, spiritually connect, and prepare our intentions for the coming year. We talk about changes that have occurred over the past year, what the highs and lows have been, and what the theme of our love story will be in the future. Traveling as ambassadors of love, Doug and I visited Egypt two months after its revolution in 2009. There we … [Read more...]
The Winter Solstice: Reflect, Let Go & Look Forward
For millennia, winter solstice celebrations have heralded the return of the light and are a time of quiet reflection and intention. In many Native American cultures, tribes and families would gather to start up a new year at the solstice and have a special celebration where they would make a request to the Great Spirit to eliminate certain things that they no longer wanted in their lives. As a way of representing this, they would craft six arrows: three to represent the things they did not want and three for the things they did want. They called them “death” arrows and “life” arrows because they held respectfully, the things they wanted to be … [Read more...]
Let Love Flow and Watch Your Life Transform
“To give love more generously, you have to receive love more graciously.” ~ Dr. Debra Reble Giving and receiving love releases a continuous stream of positive energy that supports spiritual clarity, creativity, and personal effectiveness; strengthens the immune system, eliminates energy blocks, and diminishes fear, stress, and negativity. It brings you into emotional balance so you feel less irritated when someone cuts in front of you in traffic, or when your partner makes an insensitive remark. It also helps you better observe your reactions, stop negative self-talk, cease judging others, and access your inner emotional guidance to make … [Read more...]