"Being playful naturally liberates the mind, opens the heart, and lifts the spirit. Take time to play today." ~ Dr. Debra Reble … [Read more...]
QUOTE: Forgiveness frees us from the past and opens an energetic space….
"Forgiveness frees us from the past and opens an energetic space for us to create a better future." ~ Dr. Debra Reble … [Read more...]
QUOTE: We must let go of any expectations of how life should be, in order to experience how life can be.
"We must let go of any expectations of how life should be, in order to experience how life can be." ~ Dr. Debra Reble … [Read more...]
QUOTE: If we want to teach our children that they are worthy and lovable….
"If we want to teach our children that they are worthy and lovable—we have to embrace our own self-love and worthiness." ~ Dr. Debra Reble … [Read more...]
QUOTE: Before you can heal—before you can fully love and connect….
"Before you can heal—before you can fully love and connect to yourself—you must embrace those messy, imperfect, parts of you." ~ Dr. Debra Reble … [Read more...]
QUOTE: Every thought, word, & action you put forth is an energetic memo to the universe.
Every thought, word, and action you put forth is an energetic memo to the universe. ~ Dr. Debra Reble … [Read more...]
QUOTE: Self-compassion is nurturing yourself with all the kindness and….
"Self-compassion is nurturing yourself with all the kindness and love you would shower on someone you cherish." ~ Dr. Debra Reble … [Read more...]
QUOTE: The blessing of letting go is creating and holding sacred space for healing.
"The blessing of letting go is creating and holding sacred space for healing." ~ Dr. Debra Reble … [Read more...]
QUOTE: It’s only through stepping into the pain that we can finally free ourselves from the pain
"It's only through stepping into the pain that we can finally free ourselves from the pain" ~ Dr. Debra Reble … [Read more...]
QUOTE: Through my feminine spirit, I make love with life, play with passion, and….
"Through my feminine spirit, I make love with life, play with passion, and live on purpose in every moment." ~ Dr. Debra Reble … [Read more...]