Where love is present, there are always miracles. While many of us are reluctant to apply the word miracle to ourselves, this reluctance only diminishes the power of love that we source through us. Recognizing that I had the power within me to invite miracles unleashed a force of love upon a dis-ease trying to take up residence in my body. So I reminded myself, “What is not love is always fear, and nothing else,”1 suggests A Course in Miracles. Some of us believe that angry, ass-kicking sentiments such as “waging war on cancer” and “kicking cancer’s ass” give us power over a relentless disease, but they only deplete our healing power. The … [Read more...]
The Flow of Forgiveness
“If we want freedom and peace and the experience of love and being loved, we must let go and forgive.” ~ Eric Butterworth Generating a mutual flow of forgiveness renews connection, enhances the sharing of vulnerabilities, and heightens intimacy in our relationships. It is at the core of every soul-hearted relationship, and is an essential dimension of being love. Forgiveness is the willingness to let go of any resentment, judgment, or grievance toward someone who has injured us. It has two essential parts: a release of negative feelings previously held toward the person who has offended us, and an engagement in positive feelings toward that … [Read more...]
Your Greatest Gift of Love is Your Presence
The primary element in love is our divine presence. When we are truly present with another person, not distracted or guarded, we open a portal of loving energy that facilitates communication and healing. Presence is having the conscious awareness of what’s happening moment to moment without being caught up in your own thoughts. Looking deeply into another person’s eyes, giving them our undivided attention, and listening with an open heart are all elements of being present. Our divine presence, more than any other aspect of love, answers the basic connection question, “Is that person there for me?” It is in this sacred space of presence that … [Read more...]
Choose Love
This is a pivotal period of human history―a time of massive breakdown and escalating breakthroughs. We are being called to collectively gather in universal love, and activate the soul potential within us to co-create a new world for our planet and all living beings. This shift in vibration can affect our world at the subatomic level of reality; therefore, our reality is not actually matter; but a powerful flow of energy. Barbara Max Hubbard suggests in her Sacred Journey of the Conscious Evolutionary, “It is vitally important for us to merge our conscious intentions for our lives with our soul's intentions and the very intentions of the … [Read more...]
Opening Your Heart in Gratitude
Opening your heart in gratitude releases a continuous stream of love energy that supports spiritual clarity, and creativity; strengthens the immune system, eliminates energy blocks, and diminishes fear, stress, and negativity. It brings us into emotional balance so we feel less irritated when someone cuts in front of us in traffic, or when our partner makes an insensitive remark. It also helps us better observe our reactions, stop negative self-talk, cease judging others, and access our inner guidance to make more enlightened choices. Most importantly, our overall quality of life improves because we wake up each day with positive energy, … [Read more...]
Love Lessons We Can Learn from Our Children
If you want to learn how to love and be loved, spend the day with a four year old. You will know love again. Children love and connect in more open-hearted and unconditional ways than we do as adults. They intuitively plug into to a field of divine energy that emanates from them. Through this connection to their divine source, they are continuously in touch with their infinite nature as love. Love comes naturally to children as it once did to us. They don’t think about expressing love, they just do it. Heart-centered and optimistic, they trust their innate ability to love and be loved. Above all, they radiate love without ego, … [Read more...]
6 Steps to Loving, Trusting, and Letting Go
Trusting yourself and letting go are two of the most important spiritual principles you can practice on the path to self-love. Trusting yourselves helps you release whatever emotional blocks keep you disconnected from your true being—such as fear, insecurity, and shame. Letting go allows you to peel away the hard shell of your ego so you can experience the divine essence that lies beneath. These principles are synergistic: the more you let go, the more you learn to trust yourself; and the more you trust yourself, the more you can let go.Too often we brace ourselves for change instead of letting go and embracing change as an opportunity to … [Read more...]
How Loving Yourself Can Change the World
By loving yourself wholeheartedly, you can change the world. You become a conduit for love when you fully embrace and express your true nature—which is, and has always been, love. The more you love yourself, the more you eliminate negativity, connect compassionately with others, and become ambassadors of love in the world.Like dropping a pebble into a pond, loving yourself creates an energetic vibration that radiates outward from your heart center and shifts everyone and everything in its path. When you emanate the highest frequency of love, you not only receive the benefits of the high vibration, but also raise the vibration of others around … [Read more...]
The Difference Between Falling in Love and Flowing in Love
When we fall in love, we get a glimpse of our lover’s soul. When we flow in love, all impediments fall away, and their soul is all we see. To fall in love is magical; to flow in love is mystical. When we flow in love with a beloved other, we engage in the ultimate dance of soul-hearted partnership, sharing our joy, passion, and exuberance for life. The unceasing flow of love that we exude affects how we wake up in the morning, carry ourselves, handle disappointment, give and receive love, and sustain our soul connection.Flowing in love with someone takes a harmonious balance of giving and receiving love without expectations or conditions. … [Read more...]
5 Ways to Inspire Your Child to Be an Ambassador of Love
It’s essential that we assist our children in developing inner wisdom, cultivating self-esteem, and following their hearts. We want to encourage our children to seek answers to their spiritual questions from within, be passionate and open-hearted, and trust their experiences. But if we are to shift our consciousness to universal love, we must inspire our children to be ambassadors of love.Cultivating Self-Love and Trust:To be a love ambassador, your child must realize that we are all one energy in love. They also need to trust that they are love and loveable just the way they are. By feeling worthy of love, they send out ripples of … [Read more...]