Establishing healthy energetic boundaries is key to keeping a harmonious flow of energy through our relationships and in our lives. This can be especially challenging with our most intimate relationships as we are highly sensitive to the energetic pull that they have on our hearts. We often want their happiness and well-being even more than they want it for themselves and get overly involved in trying to create it for them. This energetic drain can block our heart center which often results in feelings of compassion fatigue.Keeping healthy energetic boundaries between ourselves and another person isn't always easy especially with those we … [Read more...]
Being Heard: Speaking From Your Heart
Many of us remember the old adage "children should be seen and not heard" and yet, we still carry that message into our relationships. Amidst the stress and complications of life, even with our closest friends, co-workers or intimate partners we may feel dismissed, misunderstood or disconnected. This is all the more reason to communicate openly and clearly by speaking our truth from our hearts.Being heard means being acknowledged for who we are and speaking from our hearts allows us to express ourselves more openly and honestly. When we open our heart and speak from this clear and powerful energy center, pure love permeates our words, making … [Read more...]
Flowing Gracefully Through Life’s Challenges
Life presents us with the opportunity to flow gracefully through life-altering challenges everyday. In such moments, we can feel anxious, unprepared, and even a sense of futility when faced with an unexpected situation. This is when we are challenged to let go of our expectations and "go with the flow." By trusting ourselves and our connection with a higher source, we can remain open to this positive flow of energy.It's important that we accept any situation no matter how painful or difficult as an opportunity for personal transformation. The following story exemplifies how we can flow gracefully through any challenge. Over the weekend, I … [Read more...]
Creating a Flow of Abundance
Creating a flow of abundance in our lives requires a harmonious balance of giving and receiving without expectations or conditions. When we practice the mutual exchange of giving and receiving, we become the energetic conduit for directing this flow of energy. This mutual exchange of light energy is governed by the spiritual law of circulation. We sustain loving, positive energy in circulation by what we think, feel, say and do. And, when we transmit energy in this way from our heart, we affect everyone and everything in the universe.Many of us think that we can create a flow of abundance by forcing something to happen or giving with an … [Read more...]
Celebrating Our Freedom of Spirit
"We have the opportunity in every moment to "be the blessing"-to be the positive, emanating and clear presence of light." - Deb RebleWe can celebrate our freedom of spirit by making the choice to love, create, express and live beyond condition in every moment. Our freedom of spirit inspires us to break out of our comfort zone, to make discerning choices and to expand beyond our perceived limits. As we celebrate this weekend, we are honoring our own independent spirit that knows no boundaries, sees no limits, and guides us to listen to and follow our hearts.Having recently been in Egypt, I witnessed the freedom of the human spirit where … [Read more...]
Traveling as an Energetic Ambassador
Whether we travel abroad or down the street, we can move through life as an energetic ambassador emitting light and love wherever we go and with whomever we meet. We have this opportunity in every moment not only to bless the space but to also "be the blessing"-to be the positive, emanating and clear presence of light.Traveling even the shortest distances takes us outside of our daily routines, transports us beyond our usual patterns of behavior and inspires new experiences. For example, I had the recent opportunity to be an energetic ambassador to Egypt. From the moment I made the choice to go, I opened to a positive flow of energy that … [Read more...]
Healthy Caregiving: A Positive Energetic Exchange
Healthy caregiving is a loving, energetic exchange in which we are the conduits for light force energy. This exchange results in a positive energy flow first to ourselves and then to others through the heart center. As a true caregiver, we can open our heart compassionately in healthy detachment and maintain a positive flow of energy with the other person without suffering with them. This compassionate detachment keeps us from taking things "to heart" which can stress the heart center, resulting in physical and emotional distress or depression.The pattern of caretaking, on the other hand, takes its toll on us physically, emotionally, even … [Read more...]
Discerning Your Heart’s Voice From Your Head
Over the years, many people have asked, "How do I distinguish between my head and my heart?" and "How do I stop the incessant ricochet of thoughts that prompts my constant anxiety. Learning to differentiate the fear-based chatter of our brain from the voice of our heart requires consciously slowing down, creating space so that we can expand our awareness of ourselves and our experience.The perspective we see with our head can only view life from the past. The analytical brain is like a computer that can scan, access, and store data, yet cannot tap into inspirational, creational energy. This information takes the form of negative mindsets, … [Read more...]
Sustaining Absolute Trust in Ourselves
Absolute trust in ourselves governs how we perceive and respond to all challenges in life. It affords us the personal power to express pure love, flow with the stream of life, and transcend any difficult circumstance. For example, with such trust we can embrace every situation not as a source of fear or upset but as an opportunity for growth, even when it unravels the fabric of our lives, such as losing a job, ending a relationship, suffering from an illness, or grieving the loss of a loved one. Having absolute trust in ourselves supports us to live beyond negative mindsets, beliefs, and the fear-based patterns that cause us to second-guess … [Read more...]
Let Your Intuition Be Your Guide
"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart." - Helen KellerTuning in to our intuition or inner wisdom helps us develop a more spiritually conscious and integrated relationship with ourselves. We all have sensitivities that we can listen to guide our lives whether it is a gut feeling, an "aha" moment or an inner knowing. When we are inspired or "in-spirited," our senses tune in to this pure vibration. Opening our hearts, we can access this pure flow of information and invite spirit to guide us to make better choices in our lives.With an open heart, we can intuit … [Read more...]