“Oh God, make me an autumn tree if I must die.” – Esther Popel
Autumn is a time of personal transformation. It is a season of permanence and change where we find the inner reserves of strength to change as well. To do this, we have to take the time to go within. Once we realize what’s up for change, we can move through this regenerative clearing process as a part of our spiritual development.
Autumn is my favorite time of the year. And as much as I love the cooler weather, the changing colors of the trees, and harvesting apples and pumpkins, it’s the transformational part I love the most.
As I looked out my front window this week, I was overcome with the beauty of fire red leaves of my Japanese maple tree. Excited by its magnificence, I stepped outside and felt the color wash over me and fill me with its life force. In that moment, I felt the beauty and transitory nature of life itself.
Like the leaves, we are in a season of transformation where we find the courage to change our colors …the dazzling beauty that comes from within. The leaf’s life cycle mimics our human process of life and death. So when we witness the leaves on the ground, we realize that their journey is similar to our own capacity to lead meaningful lives with our limited time on earth.
In the natural world, cycles perpetuate life, such as the changing seasons, which reflect healthy growth or transformation. Having a conscious awareness of participating in the cyclical transformations of life affords us a spiritual clarity that promotes healing and a sense of wholeness. There is an amazing sense of peace that comes with knowing that we all move through such life and death cycles throughout our lives and with every transition bringing the uncertain and unpredictable opportunity for change.
While in the throes of such change, practice being grateful, graceful, and grounded, by clearing your life of unhealthy relationships, environments, and anything that no longer serves you, making way for a better life. You can heal and sustain lightness through aligning with new intentions and breaking unhealthy patterns. Whether it’s a new career, move, or relationship, you are all up for life-altering change at this time.
You can align with this transformative time by allowing things to be as they are for a while without resisting or avoiding the changes. Soften your position or opinions, open your heart, and trust yourself to create positive intentions, make discerning choices and let your light and love energy expand out into the world. We all need it.
Joining together, our light and love when directed positively will bring about a greater good, peace and love to all human beings no matter what their circumstances. It is the force that has brought about the transformation we are now experiencing in the world. Breathe and let it all be.