We can travel as an ambassador of love by choosing to love unconditionally in every moment, radiating love each step of the way. Traveling as a love ambassador, we can make the places through which we move, whether it is our home, workplace, village, or country, better by our caring thoughts and positive energies. Even a radiant smile can change someone’s day. As Ram Dass said, “I would like my life to be a statement of compassion and where it isn’t that’s where my work lies.” Taking these words to heart, when friends, family, or strangers visit, I prepare their favorite foods, fill their room with flowers, and put beautiful linens on their bed, along with a welcome note to let them know they are appreciated. Through such acts of kindness and compassion, I transform my home into a loving sacred space. Imagine these small acts of love when multiplied by millions could transform the world.
In the midst of our chaotic world, we can be an ambassador of love by energetically creating peace, accessing love, and inviting others to meet us in this sacred space. Share on XFor instance, at the family dinner table or at a party we can practice drawing people into that space through our intention and by softening our gaze, quieting our voice, and slowing down the pace at which we move and speak. Even in silence, we can offer our whole selves to the experience by opening our heart and connecting to them. By blessing the space with our presence, we become an emanating field of love.
I love how you wrote: “Every thought, feeling, word, and action we put forth is a memo to the universe through invisible vibrations of energy connecting to everyone and everything.”
Our presence truly is a present;)
Thank you for your beautiful article Debra. I can feel the peacefulness emanating through the words.
joyful blessings,Tina
Thank you Tina for your kind words and yes our presence is the greatest gift we can give each other and our world. Blessings and love
I agree with the importance of this right now, as an imperative for our world. Thanks so much for your profound insights on love. It’s wonderful that you can share it by writing so beautifully.
Thank you Lisa for your supportive comment Blessings and love
Using our power as beings of love helps us reach our fullest soul potential and inspires others to reach theirs, thereby making the world a better place. Yes yes yes 🙂 This is wonderful Debra and so with you the more we love and spread the love the more peace there will be xx
Thank you Suzie for your insightful comment. Let’s spead the love together blessings and love
This is beautiful, Debra. You merge the spiritual and the practical, and I feel wrapped in love and inspiration as I read your graceful words.
Thank you Chara as we were in sync today with our blog posts. We can be the change by surrounding the earth’s problems in light and opening our hearts in love. Blessings
I agree wholeheartedly. The line that resonated with me on such a deep level is, “We can wake up in the morning with the intention to sow seeds of love everywhere we go.” As we move through our day sometimes we forget the impact we have on others. Thank you for sharing the love, Debra, and the beautiful reminder. Blessings to all…
Thank you Cindy for your beautiful comment and yes that is one of my favorite lines as well. You have my love and blessings
Debra, Thank you for this beautiful post. It’s such a powerful reminder of the power of our intentions and that they can and do make a difference in our world. We have no idea what kind of ripple effect a simple smile, kind word, or deed will have. The beauty of it is that its such a simple gesture on our part that just requires our loving intention. Blessings to you, fellow Love Ambassador. <3
Lyn thank you for taking the time to read and comment on my blog. Yes we are all ambassadors of love no matter where we are or who we cross paths with…Blessings and hugs
And there you have it folks, “These energetic exchanges of love generate more positive energy and multiply exponentially when our intentions are aligned for a greater good.” BAM!
Wow Peggy you have such a great way of seeing the potency in my writing. You capture the essence of it with humor and grace thank you my friend blessings and love
Oh, Debra, how I love this article! Thoughtful, gentle, graceful — I can feel the love behind your words. How lovely. I particularly like your suggestion of ” … at the family dinner table or at a party we can practice drawing people into that space through our intention and by softening our gaze, quieting our voice, and slowing down the pace at which we move and speak.” Softening our gaze, quieting our voice … Yes! Thank you for your post. xoxo
Thank you Melissa for your enthusiastic support for this article as it did come from my heart. Sending love to you Blessings
Debra I love this uplifting article and am totally committed to being an ambassador of love in the world! Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom and inspiring each of us to transform the world with our intentional expression of love! Beautiful!
Thank you Kelley for your supportive and loving comment. This is what I’m talking about one loving stream at a time. Blessings and love
Debra, I love this. Your message here is so closely aligned with my vision to change the world one minute at a time through kindness. “These energetic exchanges of love generate more positive energy and multiply exponentially when our intentions are aligned for a greater good.” Love=Kindness and Kindness=Love. “Slowing down the pace at which we move and speak” allows us to be mindful and present to others and making them feel seen through a smile, making eye contact, using their name. It really is very easy to be loving and kind.
Our messages Stacey are definitely in sync and we can change the world one energetic exchange at a time…love and blessings to you