“A truly compassionate attitude toward others does not change even if they behave negatively or hurt you.” ~His Holiness the Fourteenth Dalai Lama All our relationships are energetic exchanges—opportunities to become a conduit for loving-compassion. In such turbulent times, however, it’s important that we practice compassionate detachment more than ever. For many of us who are highly sensitive, it’s not easy being so open to the multitude of needs and energies of others. Like sponges, our energy fields are porous and prone to soak up these energies. Because we take in the build-up of energies from others and the world, we often feel … [Read more...]
3 Steps to Trust, Let Go & Lean into Your Vulnerabilities
“Vulnerability sounds like truth and feels like courage. Truth and courage aren't always comfortable, but they're never weakness.” ~ Brené Brown The more we lean into our vulnerabilities, the more open we become to love. The areas of our lives in which we feel most vulnerable are health, relationships, and finances. Whether or not we had a healthy and loving childhood, we all experience some form of emotional pain as a reflection of the human condition. Our subsequent pain, when left unresolved, keeps us living in habitual, protective ways and inhibits us from co-creating a fulfilling and happy life. Leaning into our vulnerabilities … [Read more...]
Shedding and Shredding Your Patterns
“We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.” —T. S. Elliot Living a soul-hearted life requires that you continuously shed and shred the layers of your patterns. Like the Turkish pastry baklava, with its fragile phyllo layers, the subtle layers of your patterns must be released on an on-going basis. In fact, you actually create the life experiences that reveal the next layer of a pattern to shed and shred, a process that occurs throughout your life. This regenerative process initiates a new cycle of transformation and is essential to your … [Read more...]
The Power of Setting a Soul Intention
“Every experience and every change in your experience reflects intention.” ~ Gary Zukav Like an artist facing a blank canvas, you can use the power of intention to alter the direction of your life. Intention functions like a cosmic magnet, drawing to you the people places, and opportunities that shape your future reality. It is up to you to select from these choices as to what aligns with you and what does not. The more you trust the power of your intentions, the easier it is to manifest the life you’ve always dreamed. You are connected to a field of divine energy that emanates from you. Intention gives your awareness (energy) direction. By … [Read more...]
3 Ways to Lean into Your Vulnerabilities
One word frees us of all the weight and pain of life; the word is love.” —Sophocles The more we lean into our vulnerabilities, the more open we become to love. The areas of our lives in which we feel most vulnerable are health, relationships, and finances. Whether or not we had a healthy and loving childhood, we all experience some form of emotional pain as a reflection of the human condition. Our subsequent pain, when left unresolved, keeps us living in habitual, protective ways and inhibits us from co-creating a fulfilling and happy life. Leaning into our vulnerabilities requires spending time alone so we can confront the source of … [Read more...]
3 Sacred Strategies to Shift from Self-Sabotage to Self-Empowered
Every moment in your life is an opportunity to become free of your self-sabotaging behaviors and open your heart in self-love. Be more discerning in your choices and release the self-sabotaging patterns of behavior. Choose intentionally what soulfully aligns with you, and what does not. Each choice you make from your heart brings your mind, body, and spirit into coherence with the flow of love. This is the essence of soul-hearted living, which is living in alignment with your heart and soul. Here are 3 Sacred Strategies to Shift from Self-sabotage to Self-empowered: 1.List the top five things you are doing to sabotage yourself. Take … [Read more...]
A 3-Step Spiritual Process for Recognizing and Releasing Energy Blocks
Releasing energy blocks opens you to healing energy. Like removing the kinks from a garden hose to open the flow of water, releasing energy blocks opens you to the flow of love, connected to your divine source. First, you have to learn to recognize the reactions that create energy blocks in your body. Any physical, emotional, or spiritual reaction you have is a trigger that you need to lean in and let go. This is your spiritual guidance system (SGS) and it assists you in recognizing when you need to release negative energy. What is an energy block? Where do they come from? How does it affect your mind, body, and spirit? When you … [Read more...]
Blessing and Releasing as a Spiritual Practice for Life
The spiritual practice of blessing and releasing helps you constantly clear your energy field and sustain a high vibration of energy. It has considerable physical and mental health benefits and promotes well-being because it encourages the consistent release of negative thoughts, limiting beliefs, and toxic energy. The act of blessing and releasing any person or situation also helps you let go of the past, appreciate the present, and create the future you truly want. When you learn to bless and release any negative thoughts, reactions, or energies it clears potential energy blocks and frees up new energy for manifesting what you want. When … [Read more...]
Forgiveness: A Daily Practice for the Ultimate Release of Energy
Forgiveness is the ultimate release; the greatest gift you can give yourself and others. By forgiving and releasing any negative energy, you transform judgment into acceptance and make the past powerless over your life. It brings you fully into the present moment, free of anything that holds you back from living a soul-hearted life. Ultimately, there is no hurt that cannot be transformed by forgiveness. Above all, the more you forgive yourself the easier it is to forgive others. To forgive takes an open heart, loving-compassion, and a healthy detachment from any outcome. The greater outcome is that forgiveness severs the flow of negative … [Read more...]
The Spiritual Path: Beyond the Proverbial Pink Bubble of Complacency
Spiritual transformation is not a goal that can be attained, but an ongoing process of evolution. We are often seduced into thinking that once we have experienced spiritual growth on some level, we have reached our pinnacle and therefore, no longer need to change or work on ourselves. We may even allow our momentary feeling of gratification to become a proverbial pink bubble enveloping us in feelings of security and triumph. Like Glenda, the good witch of the north in The Wizard of Oz, we try to remain inside this bubble of complacency, ignoring the fact that we still have a life-long yellow brick road of transformation … [Read more...]