Living a soul-hearted life is a call to come home to your heart and live in alignment with your soul’s path. What I refer to as soul-hearted is a flow of divine energy channeled through your heart center and expressed as your soul’s path through your human experience. You can live in spiritual alignment with your soul’s journey through incorporating these heart-centered principles into your life. Practicing these principles will not only, open you to a more positive energy flow which brings you clarity, vitality, happiness, and well-being, but be the foundation to living joyfully, abundantly, and well.
- Trusting Ourselves and Our Connection to Source. We are all connected to a divine energy field that flows through each of us. We can consciously plug into this energy source through prayer or meditation, being in nature, or simple mindfulness. When we trust this energy source, we let go of trying to control our lives and simply allow the unfolding of it. Through this spiritual perspective, we see problems, challenges, and difficulties as stepping stones for our personal transformation. As a channel of spiritual information, we trust that we are co-creators of our reality and capable of manifesting what we want in our life.
- Expanding our Conscious Awareness. Conscious awareness is our intuitive ability to tune in to spiritual information giving us a broader spiritual perspective from which to make better life choices. Such awareness bypasses logical thinking and awakens an instantaneous inner knowing through our heart. This allows us to notice, appreciate, and pay attention to our thoughts, feelings, and sensations in any given moment. By using conscious awareness, we access a greater wealth of information to support our spiritual growth and well-being. And, It helps us shift from viewing things simply in physical terms to seeing why things happen from a spiritual perspective.
- Opening our Heart Centers. The strongest electromagnetic field of energy in the human body emanates from the heart center. When we open our hearts, we generate a high frequency energy that brings body, mind, and spirit into harmonic resonance. We become conduits for transmitting and receiving divinely inspired information which guides us to use this energy to co-create our reality. Through opening our hearts, we tune in to this energy for living in alignment with our soul’s journey.
- Embracing our Vulnerabilities. Facing our deepest vulnerabilities allows us to recognize and uproot the negative beliefs, unhealthy patterns, and unresolved pain that inhibit us from living an abundant, joyful and balanced life. Instead of avoiding or resisting emotional pain, we lean into our tender places, and embrace our feelings until we unblock our energies, freeing this energy to create what we truly want in our lives. The more we lean into our vulnerabilities and release our pain, the more open we become to spiritual transformation.
- Practicing Daily Gratitude. Feeling grateful opens a continuous stream of love energy that supports spiritual clarity, creativity; strengthens the immune system, eliminates energy blocks, and diminishes fear, stress, and negativity. Our overall quality of life improves because we wake up each day with a sense of appreciation and a healthy anticipation for what the universe has in store for us. When we open our hearts in gratitude, fear and negativity cannot co-exist with this high vibrational energy.
- Extending Kindness and Compassion. Kindness and compassion are expressions of love and generate a high vibrational energy that’s the most powerful force known to us. The more we are willing to give it to ourselves, the more we can be loving kind, and compassionate with others. The simple act of putting our attention at our heart center and emitting love energy raises our vibration and the vibration of those around us. Most of all, the more you are willing to give it to yourself, the more you can be compassionate with others.
- Forgiving Often and Quickly. Forgiveness promotes well-being because it is associated with the ability to regulate and release negative emotions. It clears negative energy by releasing any thoughts, emotions, or energies which may ultimately create energy blocks. It also frees us from the past and opens the energetic space for us to create a better future. This sustains unconditional love and connectedness with others which engenders positive health benefits.
- Creating an Energetic Support Team. It is crucial to surround ourselves and spend time with the people who unconditionally love, support, and care for us. We can create an energetic support team consisting of people who accept us without judging, enabling, or commiserating, and who encourage us to trust ourselves, follow our heart, and embrace our vulnerabilities. If there are toxic people around us on a consistent basis, we need to remove them from our inner circle and not allow their negativity to affect us.
- Cultivating Lightheartedness. This includes spontaneity, humor, and play—all launchpads to creativity and spiritual growth. It is essential to align with our soul’s passion and purpose and sustain joy in our lives. Being lighthearted liberates the mind, opens the heart, and lifts the spirit. In this state of being, we take life less seriously, see it as a passionate adventure, and stay as flexible as possible. To live soul-heartedly, we must spend time playing, simply having fun, and taking pleasure in the simple things in life that make our hearts sing with joyful abandon.
- Making Discerning Choices. When we make discerning choices, we choose what soulfully aligns with us, and what does not. We make conscious choices that not only sustain our well-being, but also the well-being of the planet and all its inhabitants. Each enlightened choice we make from our hearts serves ourselves as well as others’ highest and greatest good. It When we make discerning choices from our hearts, we perpetuate a more universal, encompassing, and loving worldview.
Living soul-heartedly is living as grace in motion. We have a sense of riding the crest of a wave, dancing in the light, and being wholeheartedly aligned with our soul’s journey. There is no ego, self-consciousness, or reservations, but rather a natural lightheartedness and a sense that nothing is more important than the present moment. Problems, irritations, or obstacles are ways to fully express the light of our being. Laughter comes easily and quickly as does the ease and flexibility in playing with all possibilities in life. Ultimately, we experience ourselves as loving “light beings” having a human experience.