One of the best ways to build and stretch our trust muscles is to notice the divine signs all around us. Even if we don’t always recognize them in the moment, these divine signs are there guiding us all the time.
You may never know why you make a wrong turn, get behind a slow driver, or pick up the phone and say to a friend something that comes from out of the blue. Yet, you have to trust yourself and accept that everything is unfolding optimally. You must always trust your first gut instinct. When you sense or feel something’s right at that moment, it usually is. If you have a doubt, then there is no doubt. Your spirit acts in straightforward ways so you can recognize the divine signs it offers.
Suppose you are driving to meet your father, doubting the wisdom of seeing him, then you see a sign that reads, “Fathers matter.” Or perhaps you have strong desire to call a friend whom you have not seen in a while, and suddenly your friend phones you or you run into her. Or you may be pondering a problem and out of the blue an enlightened solution to it pops into your mind.
In your journal, create a Divine Validation List. Every time you notice a divine sign from the universe that supports your intention or gives you the guidance that you need, write it down. Then when you doubt yourself or feel fear or uncertainty, review your list. This will remind you of the divine signs that are always there for you whenever you need them.
You must trust that there is a spiritual purpose to the timing of events in your life, even when they seem like random coincidences. The occurrence of coincidental events shows you that the universe is conspiring with you not against you. When you trust divine timing rather than human timing, things go more smoothly than you could ever imagine. For instance, when you let go of your frustration at what seems like roadblocks, you discover that the slower pace has allowed you to spend more time enjoying precious moments or notice a particular detail that may become important later.
There is always more to our lives than we consciously register. When we trust that our lives are unfolding in the best way possible, we become masters of our destiny and manifest our dreams come true.
Love this. It’s something I’ve been doing for over a decade now, and I can’t stress how validating and valuable it is. The divine works in mysterious ways. Thank you
Thank you Debra for this beautiful reminder.
There is much Divine wisdom in us, around us.
I’ve been meaning to do this, and this is my divine validation to do so hahahah!
Thank you Debra! I get so many of these, and have had so much divine validation and yet, I still doubt all the time.
“There is always more to our lives than we consciously register. When we trust that our lives are unfolding in the best way possible, we become masters of our destiny and manifest our dreams come true.” Love your wisdom Debra! Utilizing our trust muscles is sooo important!
What a splendid idea! I believe we are guided and protected in so many seen and unseen ways.
What a great idea! I love it! Starting my Divine Validation list today!
It took me a long time to learn to trust my gut. The universe offers so many clues — especially when we relax into what *is.* Thanks for your post.
This is a wonderful reminder to pay attention to the Divine signs. As I camp across the south west, there’s only been one campground that I didn’t see any heart shaped items (like rocks, leaves, cactus and etc). That was the campground that I felt the least welcome.