To create a fulfilling life with amazing relationships, we have to first cultivate a healthy partnership with ourselves. Although this is the most important relationship we have in our lives, it can be the most difficult one to develop and sustain. Society places such emphasis on being in a romantic relationship, with the message that we are nobody unless we have somebody.
So, we often set aside our own values, needs, and desires for those of another even when it comprises our very “being”-the essence of who we truly are. Until we cultivate a soul-hearted partnership with ourselves, however, we cannot possibly choose and develop healthy relationships to support our spiritual growth. By allowing ourselves the opportunity to be alone, we can become happy with ourselves and attract into our lives people with whom we want to have a fulfilling, intimate relationship.
Being happy with ourselves, even when alone, is the basis for being truly happy in a relationship. So before we can fully enter into such a relationship with another, we must be in touch and express our true being. When we operate in the world from the core of our being, we can pursue our own interests and create fulfilling partnerships with friends, business partners, and kindred spirits. Once we express our heart’s desires and create an energetic support team, a beloved other can then become a soul-hearted partner with whom we can share our energies, creative pursuits, and the beauty we’ve discovered within ourselves without losing or compromising ourselves.
When we trust ourselves and the energy that flows through us, we find that there are natural cycles where being alone nourishes us and at other times a partnership is best for our spiritual growth. And, it is essential to create sacred space to be alone within our relationships. This opens opportunities for discovery, forges new paths and we enter into uncharted territory. Being willing to know and love ourselves, and to find what truly makes us feel deeply and strongly, gives us the advantage of being able to attract and choose the right people with whom to share ourselves. Choosing to enjoy being alone allows us to fully explore and be in touch with our true being.