The first step in finding freedom in forgiveness is being willing to forgive. Forgiveness requires that we are open and receptive to facing and then resolving any unfinished business from our past. Like turning over river stones, it is crucial that we examine every grievance that blocks our energies and keeps us from creating the life we want. When we forgive, we sever the energetic attachment to anyone or anything and free up new space for inviting in blessings.
Each new year gives us a natural place to forgive any grievances and begin with a clean slate. As we invited in the new year, we may have paused, reflected, and made new resolutions for the coming year. This is beneficial, yet, for our new intentions to manifest, we have to clear our lives of any unresolved resentments that we may be harboring toward others even ourselves.
Like a cosmic cow catcher in front of a locomotive, we can clear the track of any grievances that block the forward movement of our lives. This healthy clearing is an essential element for our physical, emotional and spiritual transformation like skin sloughing off dead cells that block the growth of new cells. Likewise, nature moves through a regenerative clearing process as part of its natural development. As we release unfinished business from our past, we open our lives to a new more loving, and accepting way of being.
Examine and forgive your past. Take a written or verbal inventory of any unresolved grievances by asking yourself these questions: “What past issues, situations, or relationships require forgiveness and healing?” “Am I holding on to any grievances against others and am I afraid to let go of them?” “How has harboring resentment against another person or myself interfered with my spiritual growth?”
One useful tool to forgive your past is the mantra “bless and release.” Every time you notice a negative thought, toxic situation or grievance, say to yourself, “bless and release” to dissipate any negative energy. Follow this mantra with softening your heart and forgiving whatever just surfaced. Visualize the person or situation in pink light to cut the negative energy on it. Another tool is a self-designed ritual of release such as a private prayer ceremony, burning old journals or a time capsule that can be buried with items connected to a past toxic situation.
“To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you.”
Lewis B. Smedes