To forgive our past, we first have to face and resolve any unfinished business from our past choices. This means every pattern, choice, and grievance must be examined, like turning over river stones, without hiding behind the facade of excuses. Then, to attain closure, in addition to spiritually releasing our patterns it is also necessary to clean up any physical residue associated with them by getting rid of emotionally charged possessions or gifts, closing bank accounts, changing titles on properties, and letting go of old wedding rings.
Releasing the layers of patterns is a lifelong process because their residue never completely goes away; instead, the layers become subtler and more difficult to discern. Even when we eliminate a pattern, the brain continues to show us a phantom of it. Like a file that we have deleted from our hard drive, its energy as a virtual hologram can still surface physically, alerting us to the past and reminding us to stay true to ourselves. Fortunately, we can reduce its energetic charge by acknowledging our awareness of it, saying, whenever it surfaces, “Hello, pattern, here you are again” and perceiving it only as a phantom of the past.
As the residue of old patterns reveals itself to us, it can prompt us to free ourselves from the past. For example, my second husband and I shared an account number with a grocery store incentive program to earn points toward free gas. As I stopped for gas one afternoon seven years after our divorce, I tried to use my card as always, only to learn that the points in my account had been recently redeemed. Thinking the card had been stolen, I called the customer service manager, who proceeded to explain that the account had been accessed by my ex-husband. It soon dawned on me that this experience offered me an opportunity to forgive the past and clean up the unfinished business from my second marriage by taking my name off the account.
To move forward, it is imperative to clear our lives of anyone or anything that does not align with our vision of future health and happiness. Share on X Because residue of patterns can be lurking anywhere in our physical environment, it is necessary to thoroughly evaluate our surroundings for old items inappropriate to our true being that may be blocking our energy. For example, if you open a desk drawer and see papers, photos, or gifts from a previous relationship, regard it as a cue to keep anything you cherish and discard the rest. As if holding an open house at a residence for sale, it is beneficial to set a date for inspecting your living quarters to evaluate your belongings, deciding which items to keep, move to a different place, or release and eliminate.
Examine and forgive your past. Take a written or verbal inventory of your unresolved grievances by asking yourself these questions: “What past or present memories, situations, or relationships require forgiveness and healing?” “Am I holding on to grievances against others and am I afraid to let go of them?” “How has harboring resentment against another person or myself interfered with my spiritual growth?”
While it is possible to temporarily “slip” and get entangled once again in the residue of patterns, we have to trust the voice of spirit to guide us in completing and forgiving the past. When we embrace this natural shedding process rather than resisting it, we release the negative patterns that no longer serve us, gradually exposing more of our true being. This process leads to a new beginning and a spiritual awakening.
Beautiful, practical thoughts of healing and strength. Slam-