“A warrior is not about perfection or victory or invulnerability. (She’s) about absolute vulnerability. That’s the only true courage.” ~ Peaceful Warrior
Trust is a real and powerful energy that lives in your present awareness. It helps you move beyond fear and anxiety especially in these uncertain times. Trust is activated in moments when you experience fear, anxiety, or doubt, move toward what you fear, and make a choice anyway. When you tap into this heart-centered energy and make courageous choices, you build trust moments. These moments of courage when you shift from fear to faith are “Leaps of Trust.”
Trust isn’t developed in one full sweep; but rather in practicing small leaps of trust one moment, experience, or situation at a time. That is how you strengthen your trust muscles. You focus your attention on the positive events that have happened in your life and the divine signs that have supported an intention or given you the guidance that you’ve needed.
Take a moment, close your eyes, and put your attention at your heart. Now reflect back on one of your scariest days, a time in your life where you were terrified to make a change. You may have changed jobs, began a new relationship, or moved somewhere new. Remember how you were afraid to make the choice, but still found the courage of heart to make it anyway. Reflect on how well it turned out and where you are today because of making a leap of trust.
Now create a written list of all the “trust moments” in your life when you felt fearful, you surrendered the outcome, and made a choice anyway. Reflect on how it turned out well for you. When you feel stuck, unable to move forward or make a choice, review this list to remind yourself of how courageous you really are…and the times you’ve already trusted yourself.
Often the leaps of trust do have apparently fabulous outcomes. Some don’t. I am learning more about life’s hidden “reasons” for those outcomes which appeared to not have worked out well. I was shown recently how a change I leaped into in trust (after intense deliberation), and believed for two decades was not correct, allowed for remarkable outcomes for others.
Debra how amazing in sync- I drew the courage card today in response to a question about moving forward with clarity. i then wrote about stepping into the trust and away from the fear. Thanks for the exercise , taking it to sleep with me xo
Perfect timing, Debra! I am steps away from the large “trust” adventure of my life. I love the idea of creating a list of “trust” moments.
Thank you for this beautiful message, Debra. It seems we must always renew our trust and courage, so this message is always needed. One of my favorite quotes, by Shinagawa Tetsuzano, is: “If you do it, you can. If you don’t, you can’t.” That’s all the permission I need!
I love the idea of making a trust list Debra! Thanks for a great blog. xx
And eventually, those small steps add up to an overall trusting outlook — just knowing that things will turn out OK.
I love when you say, “Moments of courage when you shift from fear to faith are “Leaps of Trust.” I know this to be true and it takes steps and sometimes digging through layers, but if we trust the process, it will lead us to living our best life. xo
Every day when I look out of my window I am reminded that it was trusting the messages of my heart that got me to leave everything and everyone to move out of state and into a new life 25 years ago. Both the best and the hardest moment of my life.
Always important to trust yourself and your instincts. Great idea about making a list.
Thanks Debra! I have the pleasure of spending two days a week with elders. I have yet to find one who did not have great courage. As I learn their stories, I am often amazed at what the gave experienced and their choices along the way. Thank you for the post and suggestions.
Debra I think courage is something we garner depending on the unexpected situations that come our way. I love how you gently nudge us to write a list of our “trust moments”. Will give it a try.
xoxo, Z~