“There is a force in the universe which if we permit it will flow through us and produce miraculous results.” — Mahatma Gandhi
To support the global transformation to universal love, we must first transform ourselves and our relationships. We can do this by raising our consciousness to the vibration of love and radiating it at every moment to all of life with no expectations or attachments. This involves being responsible for our choices, healing ourselves, helping others heal, and living consciously and harmoniously.
We radiate love when we open our hearts to ourselves, other people, and life itself. Energetically, light moves through space, is pulled into a field called gravity, and attracts matter. This energetic attraction becomes thought, which informs the body, and then information, which guides us to think, speak, feel, or act, and is the direct link to our soul. Channeled through our hearts, light energy transforms us into creational beings capable of manifesting intentions to co-create our reality. A person who loves sends out a high frequency vibration into the world, while someone who has difficulty loving emits a lower frequency. The spiritual law of attraction―which is also the law of love―suggests that the energy we radiate expands and attracts more of the same energy in return. As love conduits, we sustain the circulation of loving energy through our positive thoughts, feelings, and choices that benefit ourselves and others.
Like a string plucked on a harp, every human being vibrates at a unique frequency and has the sensory ability to feel the vibrations of others. Most importantly, when we emanate the high frequency of love, we not only receive the benefits of the high vibration, but also raise the vibration of others around us. Therefore, people emitting lower frequencies will “rise to the occasion” when in the presence of someone who is emitting a higher frequency by matching that higher frequency.
When we emanate love, we ascend to our highest level of soul potential. We perform better at work, are more creative, are healthier, and impact our environment in a positive way. It is time we realize that we are change agents of love. To transform our planet, we must elevate our vibration and seed the environment with droplets of love. By loving our planet, we can live in harmony with nature, conserve our earth and its inhabitants, and do nothing to destroy it.
If as many of us as possible harnessed the energy of love and shifted our negative thoughts and emotions to positive ones, we would have the greatest transformational power our world ever created. When we shift to positive thoughts and emotions, our hearts radiate a more harmonic electromagnetic energy field that positively impacts all living beings and our environment. To create this vibrational field, we don’t have to sit cross-legged on the floor for hours while chanting a positive mantra. It is possible to do this simply through radiating love from our hearts, one love beam at a time. Such love beams can shift the energy of all negativity and bring about the highest and best good for all.
When we channel love from our source as love, we can manifest miracles. We are born as love and, realizing this, can radiate love, overriding the predictable, and manifesting our intentions. As love, we are the miracle of creation.
This means that when we change our thoughts, words, and actions we can change our lives and the whole world. With such knowledge, we can see ourselves as a powerful energy source and abandon self-defeating roles we have taken on, such as playing powerless victim, dominating others, and being needy and greedy. We can listen to ourselves and no longer follow anyone else’s direction, belief system, or idea of what we should be.
Realizing that we control our perspective on our lives, and can influence the lives of others and our world through raising our vibrational frequency to love, we become free, creative, and connected beings. We can interact with others without fear of being displaced from our connection with source. And once we recognize that we have the same ultimate essence as other people, we do not feel separation or conflict, but only oneness in the same energy source. If loving intentions, thoughts, feelings, and words can impact our physical world in the way in which science and research have demonstrated, the implications for humanity are far-reaching.
A world of love begins with us. If each of us takes responsibility for the energy we project by becoming more conscious of our intentions, thoughts, feelings, and choices, it will be possible to increase global heart coherence, sustain the flow of love, and ultimately transform our world.
Fantastic article. Thankyou
When will your book Being Love be available in e-book format for Kindle readers?
Thank you Sharon…we are working on that right now. So probably in about 3-4 weeks! Blessings
I got the same message this morning during my Divine Dialogue Writing time, “…we must first transform ourselves and our relationships.” Guess I better pay attention as Source is surely talking to me! Feeling very loved and loveable this morning,
Hugs to you and Shiloh. <3
You are loved and especially by me! xo
“If each of us takes responsibility for the energy we project….” Wow. Thank you for championing another important concept. Great reminder, much appreciated. Shine on!
Thank you Andrea Shine on too my friend Much love
Powerful and wise post Debra! Thanks for so eloquently reminding us that “when we change our thoughts, words and actions we can change our lives and the world.” How powerful we are!
We are the power of love and when we wield it positively we change the world. Much love
This: Realizing that I control my perspective on life. This is everything.
Thanks Debra for your gentle and consistent and powerful stand.
Blessed be.
Thank you Sue and blessings of love and light to you!
As usual, dear Debra, you are so beautifully insightful. I love the example you give of someone plucking a string on a harp. Music has always spoken deep things to me, so that was right on. xo
Thank you beautiful Kellie! Much love xo
For a long time I lacked the courage to show my true feelings… I was afraid of being hurt. Luckily, that’s all in the past. Sometimes, to find your true light you need the right person to make it shine. Or the right circumstances. It’s harder to radiate love when we are alone… A true friend can help along the way. And finally, yes, the love we give to the world comes back to complete us.
Seeing ourselves through the loving eyes of another can help us see the love that we are through and through! Much love
This reminds me of the quote by Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor “Please be responsible for the energy you bring into this space.” If we all knew what we are doing to ourselves and to others this world would definitely be a much better place.
Thank you! Energy is definitely the key and we are responsible for our vibrational footprint. Much love