“To give love more generously, you have to receive love more graciously.” ~ Dr. Debra Reble
Giving and receiving love releases a continuous stream of positive energy that supports spiritual clarity, creativity, and personal effectiveness; strengthens the immune system, eliminates energy blocks, and diminishes fear, stress, and negativity. It brings you into emotional balance so you feel less irritated when someone cuts in front of you in traffic, or when your partner makes an insensitive remark. It also helps you better observe your reactions, stop negative self-talk, cease judging others, and access your inner emotional guidance to make more enlightened choices. Most importantly, your overall quality of life improves because you wake up each day with positive energy, inspiration, and a sense of gratitude for the many blessings in your life.
If you focus on the flow of energy emanating from your heart, you will feel a distinct coherence as your brain and nervous system align vibrationally with your heart rhythms. You may sense a tingling or warming sensation, a buzzing, goose bumps, or a subtle vibration in parts of your body; or, you may feel like a sunburst, with waves of warm energy radiating from the center of your chest outward into the world. In such a state of openheartedness, you will feel relaxed, grateful, and compassionate toward everyone and everything around you, and enjoy a sense of peace, harmony, and universal love. The resulting emotional and spiritual balance not only frees you from being affected by the negative energies and choices of others, but also empowers you to feel secure in where you are in your own life, right now, without the need for comparison or judgment.
Flowing in love takes a harmonious balance of giving and receiving love without expectations or conditions. Through the mutual exchange of genuine love, you become the energetic conduit for directing this flow of love to co-create your reality. When directed with intention, this powerful energy source becomes the catalyst for creating soul-hearted relationships in your life.
This flow of love sources from within and expands through offering it to another. In truth, the only way to sustain the flow of love is to give it away. Only when you let go of the mindset that you deserve to receive love based on giving love, can unconditional love flow freely in your life. You may think that you can create a flow of love by forcing something to happen through sheer will or expectation, and are disappointed when it doesn’t produce the desired results. Although your intention may be good, this attitude actually blocks the flow of love due to your focus on outcome rather than on the sharing of energies heart-to-heart.
When you have difficulty letting go of expectations, look within to find the root of your inability to give and receive unconditionally. Checking in with yourself when giving, you might ask, “Is there is something I hope to receive in return?” or “When I give a gift, pay a bill, or offer assistance, do I do it without any conditions or restrictions?” When receiving, you might ask yourself, “Do I have difficulty receiving love in the form of kindness, compliments, or gifts?” Once you are able to give and receive love beyond expectation—give for the sake of giving, share for the sake of sharing, and love for the sake of loving, with no strings attached—the flow of love is restored.
To give love more generously, you have to receive love more graciously. This mutual exchange of loving energy creates an abundance of all things good. To attract abundance, you have to let go of being in control and trust that while like inevitably attracts like, it does so in keeping with its own divine timing. Your task is simply to sustain the flow of love without conditions, which conferring many blessings and benefits, among them the potential to manifest your dreams.