It’s only been two weeks into the new year and you may already feel like you’ve fallen off the proverbial resolution wagon. Now that the new year is well underway, you may be feeling a bit frustrated, stuck, or defeated with how to move forward with your new year’s resolutions. You are not alone with your “good” intentions, but you may need assistance in staying the course.
Let’s look at your approach to making resolutions in the first place. Resolutions have a heavier, fixed and dense energy. That’s because they come from your head and are more of a dictate for what you “should” change, do, or accomplish. Resolutions come from a belief that there’s something wrong with you that needs to be fixed.
Re”SOUL”utions or intentions come from your heart and tap into your soul blueprint. They are divinely downloaded and originate from a whole, loving energy that knows there’s nothing that needs to be fixed, only supported to evolve to your true potential.
Shift your new year’s practice to create intentions that truly resonate with your soul…re”SOUL”utions. Set aside time for a new year’s retreat where you spend sacred time communing with your soul. And it’s not too late, you can begin right now.
So, here are a few sacred strategies that I use to shift from resolutions to re”SOUL”tions, intentions that are aligned with your soul’s path.
Forgive Yourself. Every day forgive yourself for trying to make a different choice, but didn’t. Bless and release any disappointment in yourself with gentle words and unconditional love. Forgiveness allows you to release the disappointment and open up new creational space to start again.
Choose to Start New in Every Moment. When you go off your healthy diet, stop exercising, or haven’t even started a new meditation practice, it’s ok to take a breath and begin again. Don’t be afraid to start again. You don’t have to throw the baby out with the bath water. Just because New Year’s Day has come and gone doesn’t mean you call it quits for the rest of the year. Remind yourself that each day you start with a clean slate and can begin new.
Celebrate Small Successes. Instead of beating yourself up and then giving up, pay attention to the smallest steps you’ve already taken toward your intention. Notice the small changes you’ve already made even if it’s just the awareness that you need to change. That still counts and is a step toward co-creating what you want by first declaring it. Write your intention on Post-It notes and put it everywhere you can see it. Make it your screensaver on your phone or computer.
Break Your Intention into Smaller Soul Goals. Break your intention into smaller more doable “soul goals.” Soul goals are fluid, heart-centered, and present-oriented, whereas plain old goals are fixed, head-focused, and future-oriented. You will have more success if you make each moment to moment choice in alignment with your soul.
Be Open to Changing Your Intention. Your intentions may be too much of a grand gesture, unrealistic, or a set up for self-sabotage. Allow yourself to re-evaluate your intention when you receive new spiritual information. Your original intention can be tweaked and may be a stepping stone to creating what you truly want. Once you get new information to guide you, be ok with shifting your intention to one that is more in alignment with your soul.
I love that resoulutions This stood out for me Be Open to Changing Your Intention, so often we get stuck and prevent ourselves moving forward as we are beating up on what we haven’t don- thank yu Debra xxoo
I definitely need to focus more on celebrating small successes and you are not the first one to bring this to my attention this week! Thanks!
Wonderful suggestions! These are my thoughts as well and you put it wonderfully into words. My favorite is the “soul goals” it so very important.
I love the idea of Re-Solutions, Debra, and especially the daily ritual of forgiving ourselves for the choices we didn’t make. Certainly takes care of the sense of ‘what if’ instead of focusing on ‘what now’.
One of my favorite affirmations is: “Today, I begin again.” New Year’s Day is every day!
Debra, I love your reframing of resolutions to Re SOUL utions! Thanks for sharing the helpful strategies. Warm Hugs, Pam
I love how you shifted resolutions to re”SOUL”tions, Debra! That’s a brilliant way to remind us to be loving and nurturing to Self. You share a wonderful list of suggestions to encourage us as we intentionally navigate to our desired goals and outcomes.
Love these beautiful re”soul”utions 🙂 So smart…and so doable!
I love these beautiful practices Debra especially the starting anew and celebrating small successes! Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom and inspiring more compassion and kindness in the world!