The artist, Alex Grey suggests that “when two forces unite in love, a third power, a spiritual bridge, opens up to divine wisdom and guidance. He calls this power the Third Force, a potency that shifts a relationship into a transformative path.” I refer to this energetic integration of two fully expressed beings, connected heart to heart and soul to soul as “soul-hearted.” By being the collective conduit for this energy source, such a relationship can accomplish more than what would be achieved in isolation.
Imagine a moment when you have experienced a combined surge of energy with a partner or friend. You may have been dancing, traveling or working on a creative project where you move beyond the physical and enter into a channel of energy that guides you forward to see and experience life in ways you’ve never experienced before.
Soul-hearted partnership transcends categories of male or female and former models of relationship, becoming a force greater than the sum of its partners. This powerful flow of energy emanates from our unity of love, purpose, and being. It brings forth our talents and abilities to be used for our personal growth as well as for a higher spiritual calling. When these intertwining energies are expressed, we co-create an amazing life that uplifts us and benefits others.