“You don’t stop playing because you grow old. You grow old because you stop playing.” George Bernard Shaw
Sustaining lightness in your life is created by the choices you make in every moment. Trust that you are the co-creator of the inner and outer landscape of life so choose your thoughts, words and actions consciously. Be patient, tolerant, and flexible when life gets challenging or things don’t go you way. Keep an open and loving heart and a great sense of humor no matter what is happening at the time.
Being playful opens our hearts and sustains a flow of light energy so we hold steady in the midst of the natural twists and turns of life. Because society often frowns upon “adults” being silly and playful, we often feel inhibited about expressing ourselves freely. When we take life too seriously, we lose our sense of life as a passionate adventure that we can enjoy and share.
Children are our best teachers of playfulness because they endlessly infuse light-force energy into their daily interactions with life. Just observe a child in play and we will see that there are no limits to their full self-expression. It is important for us to keep this childlike spirit every day by creating experiences that infuse awe, wonder and delight into everyday life.
Humor, spontaneity and play naturally liberate the mind, open the heart, and lift the spirit. In this state of being, we feel free to channel our energies to create beyond any limitation. Inspired by these elements, we have a sense of riding the crest of a wave, dancing in the light, and being aligned with our soul’s journey. There is no ego, self-consciousness, or reservation, but rather a natural lightheartedness and a sense that nothing is more important than the present moment. Laughter comes easily, as does the ease and flexibility in playing with all possibilities in life.
So be playful and dance when you hear the music at the grocery store, giggle when you get drenched in the rain, and sing aloud while listening to your MP3 player. Inspire and invite others to humor you or join in as you go barefoot in the grass. Invent or seek out new ways or activities to make you laugh, love, and play with joyful abandon. Infuse your life with humor, spontaneity, and play and experience it from a new perspective of wonder.
Sustaining a positive flow of energy through play is key to manifesting a happy, fulfilling and peaceful life. Make the playful choices that bring you love, joy, and exuberance.Your life will evolve miraculously when you embrace the philosophy of “Let’s see” and “What’s next.”
Great post and such important truth – thank you for this beautiful reminder to us all!
Thanks Christa for sharing your wisdom and contributing to this lovely discussion. Spreading the love one post at a time. Hugs
Debra, thanks for a lovely post — it made my heart tingly so I know it was just the right time for me to read it. “Lightness” does not always come easily to me but I like what happens (both ‘to’ and ‘around’ me) when I can remember to make the space for it.
Thanks Andrea for checking in as I love your insightful comments. Reading your recent posts have helped me capture my childlike spirit and how important it is to remaining lighthearted. Lightness is something I’ve definitely had to open up to in my life too. Thanks for the wisdom. Hugs and blessings
I love the light-hearted approach to living! When i free myself of ego burden, life just flows easily and effortlessly. I am ready for whatever life brings and along the way I skip and laugh and sing. But most importantly, I live in the bliss of being love in action, and I lead in every moment with kindness and compassion, embracing every single moment.
Love your words Shelley and you bring a smile to my heart. Yes this exemplifies love in action so this piece of writing will be going into my new book on Being Love. Thanks for the reminder sweetie…Hugs and much love
Playfulness is a wonderful quality. My husband exhibits this perfectly and is a good example of connecting with the joy of playful expression. I tend to be a bit more serious in some ways but want to break loose more often. I was the oldest of five and was always the ‘responsible’ one! LOL!!!
I too have had to cultivate playfulness in my life. Now I my daughter even calls me “Silly Moo” (moo being her nickname for mom). And this brings a smile to my face when I know I’m being playful and less serious. Thanks for your wise words Debra. Hugs
I loved this post!!!! We do have to play and sing and dance and just go back to enjoying that feeling of fun. I so often forget to do it. You made me smile!!!!
Thanks Mary for responding. I can picture you smiling and it brings a smile to my face too. Hugs and blessings
When we play, we’re living in the Moment where so many good things happen.Long live playfulness!
Yes to that long live playfulness. Thanks Candi for contributing to spreading the love and the play!
Debra, what a beautiful reminder that even in the midst of the chaos that life can bring we can CHOOSE to keep our hearts and spirits open to love, joy, &happiness. And that choice to see and interact with life from that space awakens us to the small everyday blessings all around us.
Thank you Linda for stopping by and adding your insightful wisdom to this enlightened forum. Hugs and blessings
What a wonderful reminder for me! The serious self lingers in the shadows and sometimes clouds my playful self. I love the spirit that comes through your writing and infuses me with gentle smiles.