“We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.” ~ T.S. Elliot Although each person’s soul journey is unique, the developmental process we experience is the same. Such transformation involves spiritual growth in one way or another. And this growth requires healing our psychic pain, “our wounded child.” Most people choose to remain developmentally stuck rather than face their wounded child. Their emotional paralysis stems from their fear of experiencing their emotional pain. When we avoid working through such loss, trauma, and emotional … [Read more...]
The Difference Between Soul Mates and Soul-Hearted Relationships
When we fall in love, we get a glimpse of our lover’s soul. When we flow in love, all impediments fall away, and their soul is all we see. To fall in love is magical; to flow in love is mystical. When we flow in love with another person, we engage in the ultimate dance of soul-hearted partnership, sharing our joy, passion, and exuberance for life. The unceasing flow of love that we exude affects how we wake up in the morning, carry ourselves, handle disappointment, give and receive love, and sustain our soul connection. We should not assume that there is only one soul mate for each person and we have to seek them out to be happy. Rather, … [Read more...]
Come Home to Your Heart: 10 Sacred Keys to Soul-Hearted Living
Living a soul-hearted life is a call to come home to your heart and live in alignment with your soul’s path. What I refer to as soul-hearted is a flow of divine energy channeled through your heart center and expressed as your soul’s path through your human experience. You can live in spiritual alignment with your soul’s journey through incorporating these heart-centered principles into your life. Practicing these principles will not only, open you to a more positive energy flow which brings you clarity, vitality, happiness, and well-being, but be the foundation to living joyfully, abundantly, and well. Trusting Ourselves … [Read more...]
5 Anxiety-Soothing Strategies for Highly-Sensitive Women
All of us are born with the ability to be an open channel of spiritual information, for it is our divine nature. Although each person tunes in to this energy and information differently, we all tap the same divine source. It’s not our “ability” which determines the extent to which we can receive and use this energy, but rather how open and aware we are. For a highly sensitive person (HSP), it’s natural and easy to be open and receptive. As a highly sensitive person, you have chosen an extraordinary time to be on earth to assist in the healing and expansion of our human consciousness. It’s an extraordinary gift to be highly aware, deeply … [Read more...]
Feeling Anxious? Realign with Your Heart Space for a Soothing Respite
If you are suffering from anxiety, you are most likely disconnected from your heart space. To find your way back to inner peace, you must come home to your heart, the seat of your trust, inner wisdom, and spiritual truth. By focusing on your heart and bringing your attention here, you move into present awareness. This is where compassion, acceptance, and trust in yourself and your divine source live. In fact, anxiety and fear cannot co-exist in the same space. When you drop into your heart space, you remain grounded like the eye at the center of a tornado even as anxious thoughts spiral through your mind. Just by bringing your attention … [Read more...]
5 Ways to Stay Calm in the Midst of Chaos
It’s not easy remaining calm in the center of a storm raging around you. When fear or chaos arrive and you feel yourself spinning out with anxiety, you have the power to choose to respond rather than react. Being responsible or “able to respond” when life comes at you can help you sustain inner peace in turbulent times. Permission to Pause. My number one tool in managing anxiety is giving myself the “permission to pause” in any situation that arouses a reaction. It provides time, space, and a break from the situation to gain healthy detachment. When you push the pause button, you step back, take some deep breaths, drop into your heart … [Read more...]
We Are In an Evolution of Love
We are in the midst of an evolution of love. We have the opportunity to open our hearts more than ever before, and experience love in ways we may not have been capable of in the past. Instead of operating from such fear-based polarities such as right/wrong, good/bad, and win/lose, we have the chance to awaken to the energetic power of love, which transcends physical time and form, and exists beyond problems, limitations, and suffering. Knowing that we are love will heal us in such a profound way that we will become conduits for the expression of love with ourselves, loved ones, and the world. And, since unity and duality coexist, it is … [Read more...]
Self-Love: The Key to Transforming Our Relationships and the World
By loving yourself wholeheartedly, you can change the world. You become a conduit for love when you fully embrace and express your true nature—which is, and has always been, love. The more you love yourself, the more you eliminate negativity, connect compassionately with others, and become ambassadors of love in the world. Like dropping a pebble into a pond, loving yourself creates an energetic vibration that radiates outward from your heart center and shifts everyone and everything in its path. When you emanate the highest frequency of love, you not only receive the benefits of the high vibration, but also raise the vibration of others … [Read more...]
Spiritual Completion Takes Forgiving Our Past
Spiritual completion takes forgiving our past. This means spiritually releasing every pattern that no longer serves or supports your soul’s path. I’ve been asked over the years, “What’s the difference between completion and closure?” Simply, completion is a spiritual process whereas closure is a physical one. When we spiritually complete a pattern, we let go of it energetically. For instance, patterns are circular so we can visualize cosmic pinking scissors cutting the pattern, straightening it out like a path, and then walking off of it. This process cuts the ties we have to this karmic pattern. It signals to the universe that we have … [Read more...]
Be Love Ambassadors This Holiday and Everyday
Whether we are going abroad or down the street, we can travel as ambassadors of love. Each year on our wedding anniversary, Doug and I travel to a special destination to enter into a new sacred covenant with each other. This annual celebration provides an opportunity to reflect on the previous year, spiritually connect, and prepare our intentions for the coming year. We talk about changes that have occurred over the past year, what the highs and lows have been, and what the theme of our love story will be in the future. Traveling as ambassadors of love, Doug and I visited Egypt two months after its revolution in 2009. There we … [Read more...]