"Oh God, make me an autumn tree if I must die.” – Esther Popel Autumn is a time of personal transformation. It is a season of permanence and change where you find the inner reserves of strength to change as well. To do this, you have to take the time to go within. Once you realize what’s up for change, you can use this regenerative clearing process as a part of your spiritual development. Autumn is my favorite time of the year. I love the cooler weather, the changing leaves of the trees, and harvesting apples and pumpkins; but, it’s the regenerative clearing process that I love the most. As I looked out my front window this week, I was … [Read more...]
Feeling Sensitive to the Energy of Others? Zip Up Your Energetic Suit!
Differentiating between your sensitivity and vulnerability can be a challenge. Just being highly sensitive alone can make you “vulnerable” to the energies of others. Yet, vulnerability isn’t a weakness, it’s a strength. It lets you know that it’s time to shore up your energetic boundaries. I believe that vulnerability makes being highly sensitive your superpower. When you feel overwhelmed by the energies of others, you may be leaking your own energies. It’s time to zip up your energetic suit before you go into a challenging situation. You are prone to absorb the energies of others by not putting on your protective suit and zipping up your … [Read more...]
7 Ways to Bless & Release an Unhealthy Relationship
Maintaining unhealthy relationships drains our life force, while letting go of them empowers us to create space for new relationships that enhance our spiritual growth. Blessing and releasing unhealthy relationships with unconditional love and integrity can teach us how to forgive our past, heal ourselves, and generate positive energy to progress on our spiritual path. It’s important to break clean from an unhealthy relationship and stop investing energy in it. If we don’t, we often continue to desperately keep it alive while knowing in our hearts that our spirit has already left it, causing us to feel dead inside. In preparing to bless … [Read more...]
Flexibility: The Key to Living a Soul-Hearted Life
“Always fall in with what you’re asked to accept. Fall in with it and turn it your way.” ~ Robert Frost Living a soul-hearted life requires flexibility. It takes letting go of our ego, expectations, or reservations, and embracing whatever comes our way. It inspires a sense that nothing is more important than the present moment. It encourages responding rather than reacting and spurs an instantaneous recognition of the lack of control we have in many situations. Most importantly, it involves radical acceptance: acceptance of ourselves, others, and our current circumstances. Every day you are presented with the opportunity to flow … [Read more...]
Being Response-able for Co-Creating Your Reality
Just hearing the word “responsibility” can feel heavy even daunting. Yet, to co-create the divine life we want, we have to be responsible for our intentions and the choices that we make. So, let’s think of being responsible as being “response-able”—that is, being able to respond to life situations instead of reacting to them. Responding rather than reacting to life helps us to make more enlightened choices. For example, suppose you are ready to leave the house for a scheduled appointment and someone who is going with you is dawdling and not ready to go. You could react by nagging or becoming upset and feeling at the mercy of the other … [Read more...]
Flowing with the Cycles of Life
In the natural world, cycles perpetuate life, such as the changing seasons, the rings of trees, the spirals of shells, or the orbits of planets. They exist because of nature’s forces and reflect healthy growth or transformation. Having a conscious awareness of the cyclical transformations of life affords us a spiritual clarity that promotes healing and a sense of wholeness. The naturalist Rachel Carson describes the value of such awareness in The Sense of Wonder: “Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts. . . . There is something infinitely healing in the repeated … [Read more...]
Breaking Free of Our Comfort Zones
“We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty.” —Maya Angelou In 1992, a Chinese freighter mistakenly dropped a crate of 30,000 rubber duckies into the Pacific Ocean. Three months later, many of these “friendly floatees” were discovered on the coasts of Indonesia, Australia, and South America. Some daring ducks headed toward Alaska by crossing the Bering Strait and even sailed through the Arctic Ocean, finally landing on the coast of England. Due to the accidental release of the rubber duckies, scientists were able to better understand ocean currents and wave patterns. … [Read more...]
Come Home to Your Heart: 10 Sacred Keys to Soul-Hearted Living
Living a soul-hearted life is a call to come home to your heart and live in alignment with your soul’s path. What I refer to as soul-hearted is a flow of divine energy channeled through your heart center and expressed as your soul’s path through your human experience. You can live in spiritual alignment with your soul’s journey through incorporating these heart-centered principles into your life. Practicing these principles will not only, open you to a more positive energy flow which brings you clarity, vitality, happiness, and well-being, but be the foundation to living joyfully, abundantly, and well. Trusting Ourselves … [Read more...]
5 Anxiety-Soothing Strategies for Highly-Sensitive Women
All of us are born with the ability to be an open channel of spiritual information, for it is our divine nature. Although each person tunes in to this energy and information differently, we all tap the same divine source. It’s not our “ability” which determines the extent to which we can receive and use this energy, but rather how open and aware we are. For a highly sensitive person (HSP), it’s natural and easy to be open and receptive. As a highly sensitive person, you have chosen an extraordinary time to be on earth to assist in the healing and expansion of our human consciousness. It’s an extraordinary gift to be highly aware, deeply … [Read more...]
5 Ways to Stay Calm in the Midst of Chaos
It’s not easy remaining calm in the center of a storm raging around you. When fear or chaos arrive and you feel yourself spinning out with anxiety, you have the power to choose to respond rather than react. Being responsible or “able to respond” when life comes at you can help you sustain inner peace in turbulent times. Permission to Pause. My number one tool in managing anxiety is giving myself the “permission to pause” in any situation that arouses a reaction. It provides time, space, and a break from the situation to gain healthy detachment. When you push the pause button, you step back, take some deep breaths, drop into your heart … [Read more...]