This is a pivotal period of human history―a time of massive breakdown and escalating breakthroughs. We are being called to collectively gather in universal love, and activate the soul potential within us to co-create a new world for our planet and all living beings. This shift in vibration can affect our world at the subatomic level of reality; therefore, our reality is not actually matter; but a powerful flow of energy. Barbara Max Hubbard suggests in her Sacred Journey of the Conscious Evolutionary, “It is vitally important for us to merge our conscious intentions for our lives with our soul's intentions and the very intentions of the … [Read more...]
How Loving Yourself Can Change the World
By loving yourself wholeheartedly, you can change the world. You become a conduit for love when you fully embrace and express your true nature—which is, and has always been, love. The more you love yourself, the more you eliminate negativity, connect compassionately with others, and become ambassadors of love in the world.Like dropping a pebble into a pond, loving yourself creates an energetic vibration that radiates outward from your heart center and shifts everyone and everything in its path. When you emanate the highest frequency of love, you not only receive the benefits of the high vibration, but also raise the vibration of others around … [Read more...]
Holding the Space of Love Dissolves Negativity
“Your entire life has unfolded for your heart's ascension to love.” ~ Bryant McGillTo facilitate a shift in our current consciousness, we must transcend fear, anger, and negativity, and ascend to the soul of love. We can do this by learning how to avoid reacting from these emotions, and instead connect to a higher power or divine source (whatever that means to us) through our hearts.Like a periscope in a submarine, we must lift our gaze out of the shadowy aspects of human consciousness and obtain a more elevated, spiritual perspective. We must be clear that we are, first and foremost, spiritual beings navigating the sea of human processes, … [Read more...]
5 Ways to Invite in Love and Connection
“You have to love yourself because no amount of love from others is enough to fill the yearning that your soul requires from you.” — DodinskyInviting love into our being allows us to experience our sacred connection to others and to humanity as a whole. When we are born, we temporarily forget our divine magnificence; consequently, we spend much of our lives trying to remember who we are. Before we uncover that remembrance, we spend much of our time and energy seeking out the inner connection which we crave on a soul level without even really understanding why. In other words, even before we remember what love really is, and where it comes … [Read more...]
Being Vulnerable Opens Us to Being Love
“One word frees us of all the weight and pain of life; the word is love.”—SophoclesThe more we lean into our vulnerabilities, the more open we become to love. The areas of our lives in which we feel most vulnerable are health, relationships, and finances. Whether or not we had a healthy and loving childhood, we all experience some form of emotional pain as a reflection of the human condition. Our subsequent pain, when left unresolved, keeps us living in habitual, protective ways and inhibits us from co-creating a fulfilling and happy life.Leaning into our vulnerabilities requires spending time alone so we can confront the source of those … [Read more...]
5 Ways to Cultivate Self-Compassion
“Compassion and love are not mere luxuries. As the source of both internal and external peace, they are fundamental to the continual survival of our species.” —His Holiness the Fourteenth Dalai Lama Cultivating compassion for ourselves is our best pathway to inner peace and our true source of happiness. Compassion infuses love into every encounter we experience with both ourselves and others, supporting healthy relationships. Living as compassionate beings, we can bless and release the suffering of life by trusting that every human being is on their own spiritual path. This increases our capacity to create peace and harmony in our lives … [Read more...]
Having Courage of Heart
Courage comes from the Latin word cor, which means “heart.” Courage sources deep within our hearts as self-acceptance and compassion. It encourages us to engage in every life situation no matter how scary as an opportunity for spiritual transformation.To be courageous is to lead with your heart, and reveal your truth―your inner thoughts, feelings, and experiences―honestly and openly. It dares you to fully express who you are as love.When you express yourself as love, you venture into the unknown territory of your own being. Being courageous doesn’t necessarily mean performing feats of external bravery and strength, but rather acknowledging … [Read more...]
How to Move through Transitions with Ease and Grace
We can move through transitions, intense periods of self-discovery, healing, and transformation with ease and grace.Although moving through any transition may make us feel that we are losing our bearings, they are spiritual signs that we are processing new and stored information simultaneously and expanding our conscious awareness. in preparation for the next step forward in life—just as it is necessary to spring up at the end of a diving board to gather momentum for a full twist into the pool.While moving through transitions, you may experience physical and emotional exhaustion, anxiety, and/or disorientation. At such times you might get … [Read more...]
5 Ways to Live with Passion and Purpose
When we listen to our hearts, we live with passion and purpose. We feel a sense of alignment with our soul’s journey. We realize that full self-expression is greater than the job we do, the roles we play, or how successful we are in the world. Instead, full self-expression is being on purpose in every moment no matter what we are doing, where we are, or who we are with.Individuals who have shared such energy know that nothing is more important than engaging in something with those you love. Meraki is a Greek word often used to describe what happens when you leave your energetic signature—your soul, creativity, or love in your work. It … [Read more...]
Tapping the Power of Intention
Using the power of intention is not about setting a specific goal and focusing so much on it that you lose sight of other possibilities. On the contrary, it is about setting a goal, being open to the many choices that present themselves in reaching that goal, then selecting the ones most likely to bring about the desired outcome. Just as a plane is guided onto the runway, into the air, and to its destination by airline personnel and air traffic controllers, you, as copilot, can guide your intention into reality by co-navigating with your source. Making your flight plan a reality, however, necessitates being out in front of your … [Read more...]