Our heart is the GPS of our soul. It senses and transmits energy bypassing the brain so we receive spiritual information. Every person is born with this ability to be an open channel to their soul. However, each person tunes in to this energy flow differently. How open we are and how much we trust ourselves determines the extent this energy can be used. For some of us, it's natural and easy and for others, it takes continuous practice. Yet, for all of us, channeling this divine source of energy creates a fulfilling and purposeful life and sustains all that is well and good.The eyes in our heart are the window to our soul. Tuning in to our … [Read more...]
Diving Into Trust
Diving into trust allows us to easily let go of everything that impedes the positive flow of energy in our lives. Our flow is interrupted when we have any expectation for a particular outcome. Expectations of ourselves, others, or any situation are our greatest obstacles to sustaining our flow. When we let go into trust, we consistently recognize and release any energy blocks that interrupts this flow and restores balance. This level of absolute trust is the greatest gift we can give ourselves. While on a diving vacation in Roatan, Honduras, I realized the power of letting go into trust. Last June, I had completed my open water dive … [Read more...]
Letting It All Be
John Lennon's inspirational song "Let It Be" speaks of a spiritual principle that can profoundly change our lives. As a practice, letting it be flows from an open loving heart where we trust the divine unfolding of our lives. It moves us beyond letting go for it starts with zero expectations of how someone or something "should be" that only sets us up for disappointment-even with ourselves. It encourages compassion, forgiveness and acceptance of ourselves and others no matter what our journeys may be. For me, letting it all be is letting my entire life be without judgment and with forgiving the past. This hit home for me recently when my … [Read more...]
Being Vulnerable Opens Us to Authenticity
Being vulnerable opens us to our authenticity-our most precious, cherished self. Allowing ourselves to be vulnerable takes tremendous strength of heart; yet not nearly as much time, energy and stress as running away from it. We must move toward our fear, trauma, and pain. In embracing it, we can acknowledge our hurt without hurting back, When we stay with our insecurity, shakiness, and broken heart, we awaken to our authenticity. Ultimately, we are light and love. An example of being vulnerable was when I took my first NIA class. NIA is a sensory-based movement practice that incorporates dance, and the martial and healing arts. It empowers … [Read more...]
Living in the Flow of Love
"There are two basic motivating forces: fear and love. When we are afraid, we pull back from life. When we are in love, we open to all that life has to offer with passion, excitement, and acceptance." John LennonLiving in love creates a constant flow of positive energy which dissolves fear, insecurity and negativity. We are love-a whole and complete energy without limits or boundaries. Living as the embodiment of love, we obliterate all negativity and sustain all that is well and good. It lifts us beyond the drone of the human condition and reminds us that we are this divine energy source capable of creating a fulfilling and purposeful … [Read more...]
Loving Others Begins with Loving Ourselves
"Those that go searching for love only manifest their own lovelessness, and the loveless never find love, only the loving find love, and they never have to seek it." D. H. Lawrence As philosopher Eric Fromm states in The Art of Loving, "What matters in relation to love is the faith in one's own love; in its ability to produce love in others. We are only capable of knowing and caring for another if we are also capable of understanding caring and knowing ourselves." In other words, the most powerful way to attract and experience great love, is to embody it. Being in an authentic relationship requires us to first open our hearts and then … [Read more...]
Finding Freedom in Forgiveness
The first step in finding freedom in forgiveness is being willing to forgive. Forgiveness requires that we are open and receptive to facing and then resolving any unfinished business from our past. Like turning over river stones, it is crucial that we examine every grievance that blocks our energies and keeps us from creating the life we want. When we forgive, we sever the energetic attachment to anyone or anything and free up new space for inviting in blessings. Each new year gives us a natural place to forgive any grievances and begin with a clean slate. As we invited in the new year, we may have paused, reflected, and made new resolutions … [Read more...]
Being Love
We dream of love, we yearn for love, we make love, but rarely do we realize that we are love. In fact, many of us view love as something to attain, to have and to hold. We even think we have prove ourselves worthy of love. Yet, love isn't something that we strive for, but rather a flow of divine energy that we are. When we know beyond any doubt that we are loveable, love becomes the source from which all of our thoughts, words and choices flow. Sadly, many of us think we don't deserve or aren't worthy of love. This core belief erodes our sense of self and keeps us from experiencing pure love and connection with another. We hold back in fear … [Read more...]
A Time for Love
When every human being embodies and expresses pure love, our world will heal itself. To support this transformation, we can consciously intend, affirm and express love in every moment with an open heart and with no expectations and as stress free as possible. So, every thought, feeling and choice must begin and end with love. We can celebrate each day no matter if the shopping lines are long, the traffic congested, or our interactions with people more challenging. All of these conditions which we deal with everyday can be handled by sustaining love, flexibility, and a sense of humor. As we come to the close of this year, many of us who are … [Read more...]
The Eyes of the Heart: The Window of Our Soul
The eyes of our heart are the window of our soul. When we open our heart, we access this window of information about our soul's journey. Information flows vibrationally through the heart's pathways guiding us and inspiring our personal transformation. For example, when we are awestruck by a favorite song, a child's touch, the scent of a loved one or the beauty of nature, a cascade of inspired information rushes through us. This spiritual opening creates a shift in our perspective and gives us a glimpse of who we truly are. Through this window of our soul, we receive answers to the questions regarding the purpose of our lives. Our brains … [Read more...]