Elevating our vibration begins with being responsible for the energy we bring to every moment. When we take responsibility by becoming more aware of our energy and elevate our thoughts, feelings, and choices to a higher vibration, we transform our lives and our world. Just hearing the word “responsibility” can feel like a heavy weight. However, I’m talking about spiritual responsibility, the responsibility that comes with choosing to be here on earth as a light being in human form at this time of awakening. As divine beings of light, we are holding the energetic space for humanity to elevate its collective energy and evolve to a higher … [Read more...]
Staying in High Vibration in These Challenging Times
Elevating your vibration is key to sustaining unshakable resilience in these challenging times. It’s easy to stay in high vibration when life is going as you envisioned. But, what about the moments when things are challenging, overwhelming, or your plans come undone. Staying in high vibration becomes harder when life comes at you, doesn’t it? I’m here to remind you that you are more than your thoughts or the physical circumstances that you find yourself. You are first and foremost, a vibrating, eternal being of light energy. Like a periscope in a submarine, you can lift yourself out of the lower vibration of human consciousness … [Read more...]
Tapping into Your “Source Field” For Healing
Are you feeling overwhelmed, stressed, and out of sync with your heart and soul? Even on good days, it’s easy to lose your balance and slip into low vibration with just a thought or feeling. In these tumultuous times, sustaining a high vibe can be especially challenging. But, repeating positive mantras and thinking good thoughts aren’t enough to elevate your vibration to heal your body, calm your mind, and manifest the life you want. Energy is everything and everything is energy. Although you are in a physical body, you are connected to a quantum energy field that is formless, vibrating, and emanates from you. You can consciously plug … [Read more...]
5 Ways to Preciously Care for Yourself During the Holidays
It’s challenging to go through the holidays without feeling overwhelmed or stressed out. You want to remain loving, peaceful, and move through the holidays with ease and grace. But, how do you stay calm, centered, and energized at this time of year? You consciously slow down, create sacred space, and give yourself precious self-care. Precious self-care requires that you nurture yourself with all the kindness and love you would shower on someone you cherish. Too often during the holidays, you set aside your own needs while caring for others or put off self-care in favor of the endless holiday to-do lists, expectations, … [Read more...]
3 Sacred Strategies to Overcome Fear, Transcend Negativity, and Support Your Soul’s Path
Have you been feeling the whirlwind energy of the planet? It’s been quite the energetic roto-rooter, bringing the fear and negativity of our current consciousness to the surface for clearing. Although this ten-year cycle started in 2010 which has been necessary for our personal and global transformation, it’s been quite the wild ride. During this unprecedented time of accelerated shift, you may feel more forgetful, confused, and ungrounded more than usual. You may need more rest and chill time because of your heightened sensitivities. Even if you’re not typically fearful, you may feel anxious with the chaos and upheaval going on in the … [Read more...]
5 Sacred Gifts of Soulful Travel
"To awaken quite alone in a strange town is one of the pleasant sensations in the world. You are surrounded by adventure. You have no idea what is in store for you, but you will, if you are wise and know the art of travel, let yourself go on the stream of the unknown and accept whatever comes in the spirit in which the gods may offer it.” ~ Freya Stark Soulful travel transforms us. It takes us outside of our familiar habits and comfort zones, expands our awareness, and broadens our perspective on life. When we visit an unfamiliar place or a foreign country, we feel more alive and one with the universe. In these sacred moments where our … [Read more...]
3 Sacred Ways to Honor the Space Between No Longer and Not Yet
“Honor the space between no longer and not yet.... This is the place where resilience, possibility and opportunity are born.”~ Nancy Levin Just like there’s a space between one breath to another, there’s a sacred space between no longer and not yet. It’s a transformative space that opens up when you move from one phase of your life to another. It’s essential to honor this sacred space that allows you to integrate all that has happened or experienced in your life, and what you want to create in the future. It’s the creational space where all possibilities exist for you manifest your highest and best life. Sometimes these transitional … [Read more...]
3 Anxiety-Soothing Mindfulness Practices to Stay Calm in the Midst of Chaos
Before you can shift your anxiety to inner peace, you first have to become mindful of it. When you’re in fear or anxiety, you are in your head either worrying about the past or the future. By bringing your attention from your head to your heart, you come into the present moment where anxiety doesn’t exist. That’s why mindfulness practices work well with reducing anxiety because they create a calm and peaceful shift in your energies. Mindfulness gives you the ability to reframe your anxiety and see the sacred information that is there to guide you. Once you become aware of your anxiety and call it out into the open, you have the choice to … [Read more...]
5 Sacred Soul Truths I Discovered After a Month of Nomadic Living
“Make me strong in spirit, courageous in action, gentle of heart, let me act in wisdom, conquer my fear and doubt, discover my own hidden gifts, meet others with compassion, be a source of healing energies, and face each day with hope and joy.” Abby Willowroot Last Tuesday, I began the last leg of my road trip that began in Cleveland and ended in Sunset Beach, NC where I am now living. This nomadic journey has given me the opportunity to become crystal clear of what’s important in my life. During this sacred time, I’ve become highly aware of my sacred soul truths and what no longer aligns with these core values. Being on the open road … [Read more...]
Saying Goodbye and Hello: Creating A Ritual of Release
A sacred practice that can help you transmute any loss or pain into a transformative experience is a self-designed ritual of release. Rituals of release assist you in leaning into your “sweet pain” and letting go of whatever no longer aligns with your soul’s path. You can create a personal ceremony to bless and release anyone or anything that you need to let go of in your life. Possible ceremonies may include a private prayer service, the burning of items, the creation of a picture scrapbook or journal, or the designing of a vision board that reflects your future intentions. Rituals of release can also include making a … [Read more...]