Over the years, many people have asked, "How do I distinguish between my head and my heart?" and "How do I stop the incessant ricochet of thoughts that prompts my constant anxiety. Learning to differentiate the fear-based chatter of our brain from the voice of our heart requires consciously slowing down, creating space so that we can expand our awareness of ourselves and our experience.The perspective we see with our head can only view life from the past. The analytical brain is like a computer that can scan, access, and store data, yet cannot tap into inspirational, creational energy. This information takes the form of negative mindsets, … [Read more...]
Sustaining Absolute Trust in Ourselves
Absolute trust in ourselves governs how we perceive and respond to all challenges in life. It affords us the personal power to express pure love, flow with the stream of life, and transcend any difficult circumstance. For example, with such trust we can embrace every situation not as a source of fear or upset but as an opportunity for growth, even when it unravels the fabric of our lives, such as losing a job, ending a relationship, suffering from an illness, or grieving the loss of a loved one. Having absolute trust in ourselves supports us to live beyond negative mindsets, beliefs, and the fear-based patterns that cause us to second-guess … [Read more...]
Let Your Intuition Be Your Guide
"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart." - Helen KellerTuning in to our intuition or inner wisdom helps us develop a more spiritually conscious and integrated relationship with ourselves. We all have sensitivities that we can listen to guide our lives whether it is a gut feeling, an "aha" moment or an inner knowing. When we are inspired or "in-spirited," our senses tune in to this pure vibration. Opening our hearts, we can access this pure flow of information and invite spirit to guide us to make better choices in our lives.With an open heart, we can intuit … [Read more...]
Cultivating Intimacy in Our Relationships
Absolute trust is the cornerstone for cultivating intimacy in our relationships. True intimacy is based on mutual absolute trust and requires that both people are willing to be open, vulnerable and uninhibited with each other. Moreover, we find that the more we open ourselves, the more we receive, which creates a cycle of trust, love and intimacy that continually replenishes itself.Cultivating intimacy in our relationships requires eliminating "emotional baggage." Most people enter into a relationship with this baggage feeling more like a trunk than a carry-on bag, and filled with all the emotions they have accumulated and never released … [Read more...]
Releasing the Need for Control
The need for control erodes our sense of well-being and adversely affects our relationships. This fear-based pattern stems from our need for stability, security and predictability in our lives, especially when we are faced with such survival issues as earning a living, being in a relationship, or taking care of our physical needs. Unfortunately, the need for control creates an illusion of security, displacing a trust in ourselves and our connection with source onto external conditions such as who we are with, what we do, where we live, or what we own. As a result, we feel we are victims of circumstances, lacking the power to manifest the … [Read more...]
The Power of Perspective
"The best, most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart." - Helen KellerLike a spiritual GPS, conscious awareness is our ability to tune in to spiritual information that expands our understanding of ourselves and provides us with a broader perspective from which to navigate our lives. Using conscious awareness, we can access a greater wealth of information to support our spiritual growth. In doing so, we must see with the eyes of our heart. This shifts us from viewing life simply in physical terms to seeing why things happen from an expanded, more spiritual perspective.Using conscious … [Read more...]
Taking Precious Care of Ourselves
Taking precious care of ourselves supports a more conscious, loving and cherished relationship with ourselves."Precious" care is nurturing ourselves with the utmost love and attention as we would someone close to us. Having been on an airplane, we have all been reminded to put on our own oxygen mask before we help anyone else with theirs. It's often difficult to dedicate the time and energy for self-care as our lives are filled with endless to-do-lists, obligations and distractions. Putting off self-care may seem selfless, until we get sick, overwhelmed, or exhausted, and suddenly don't have the energy to care for anybody. That's when we … [Read more...]
Preparing for Life’s Challenges
As we move through our lives, we are presented with life-altering challenges everyday. In such intense moments, we may feel anxious, unprepared, even a sense of futility when faced with an unexpected illness, ending of a relationship, or financial hardship. This is because these are the three areas of our lives in which we find ourselves most vulnerable. No matter what the situation, we are challenged to let go beyond every thought, belief and mindset by trusting ourselves and our connection with a higher source or power. This keeps us open to the positive flow of healing energy.It's important that we accept that any situation no matter how … [Read more...]
Blessing and Releasing Relationships: Part II
In preparing to bless and release an unhealthy or unfulfilling relationship, remember that the ending of the relationship cannot be blamed on one partner. The old adage "It takes two to tango" holds true here because each person is accountable for the direction the relationship has taken regardless of who is dissolving it.The following are guidelines for blessing and releasing any relationship with pure love, respect, and integrity. First, give yourself permission to let go of the relationship without guilt, fear, shame, or hopelessness. Remember, the other person has the power of choice as well, even when they play victim or avoid taking … [Read more...]
Blessing and Releasing Unhealthy Relationships
Blessing and releasing a relationship with pure love, gratitude, and integrity allows us the opportunity to energetically complete any spiritual ties or unresolved business with that person. This practice empowers us to spiritually progress and create space for new more fulfilling relationships. To do this, we first have to face and resolve any unfinished patterns and grievances. Like turning over river stones, we must examine and release them without hiding behind the facade of any excuses.You have the power to release any relationship even when the person is no longer physically here. First. bless the relationship as you release it, … [Read more...]