You may feel overwhelmed by anxiety, especially during these intense, uncertain, and turbulent times. You are not alone. You may feel on edge, more agitated than usual, and your sense of security faltering. All you have to do is turn on the news and you will notice how deeply affected you are by what’s happening in the world. Because of this energetic intensity, you may be feeling more anxious, overwhelmed, and unsettled than you normally do. Here’s the good news! This is actually an intense period of self-healing, self-discovery, personal and global transformation. Maintaining balance and inner peace is challenging for all of us right now … [Read more...]
Transmuting Pain (Trauma) into Transformation
“To live is to be willing to die over and over again. From the awakened point of view, that’s life.” ~ Pema Chödrön Sometimes a crisis such as a serious illness, trauma, or loss gives us the opportunity for soul level transformation. In some ways, change—even the hard change of healing old wounds—is easier when the alternative is unthinkable. But for many of us, daily life isn’t enough to trigger that kind of soul level transformation. Instead, we allow the emotional pain to build for years, even decades, because it’s easier to ignore it than to lean in and let go. Without full release, however, these old traumas can create chronic distress … [Read more...]
Love Is Always the Answer
Love is what connects us to other human beings and all of life. Even though we are not separate from the spiritual consciousness that permeates our physical universe, many of us feel disconnected when people do not understand us, do not feel the way we feel, or do not see things the way we see them. Even communicating with others can be difficult when they seem to have totally different perspectives. Yet, despite these challenges, we still have a strong, innate need to connect with others and feel a sense of belonging. Interestingly, science supports the widely accepted premise that we love instinctually. Brené Brown, in The Gifts of … [Read more...]
Transmute Your Pain into Transformation
Spiritual alchemy is burning away the “dross” of an ordinary material and transforming it into a refined substance such as gold. When you render this material, you strip away the layers, exposing what’s underneath. This is the process you go through when you transmute the layers of your pain into your refined essence---the gold of your true being. Sometimes a crisis such as a serious illness, trauma, or loss forces us to lean into our vulnerabilities and open to intense transformation. In some ways, change—even the hard change of healing old wounds—is easier when the alternative is unthinkable. But for many of us, daily life isn’t enough to … [Read more...]
What Children Can Teach Us About Love
Children love and connect in more open-hearted and unconditional ways than we do as adults. They intuitively plug into to a field of divine energy that emanates from them. Through this connection to their divine source, they are continuously in touch with their infinite nature as love. They trust themselves, follow the whispers of spirit, and intimately connect to others. Just observe a child at play, openhearted, and present and you will see them as channels of love, delighting in the beauty of life. You, too, knew lightheartedness as a child, especially when you splashed in puddles after a warm rain, chased twinkling fireflies on warm … [Read more...]
The Power of Making Enlightened Choices
Break free of your fear by making enlightened choices that align with your heart and not your head. Such enlightened choices, however challenging, will get you moving toward creating your dreams. Several months ago when I was visiting a friend in NC, I took a stroll on the beach with the intent of beachcombing. My friend desired a sand dollar to place in a healing fishing net she was creating. I, on the other hand, wanted a sand dollar to support my intention of abundance. While beachcombing with these requests to the universe, I sorted through a myriad of shells. Each time, I picked up a shell, I examined it, and decided if it resonated … [Read more...]
Trusting Your Connection to Source
One of the cornerstones of living a soul-hearted life is trusting your connection to your divine source. As you’ve probably discovered in your own life, it’s easy to trust in the divine when things are going as you’ve planned or envisioned. But, what about the times when you are challenged, or your best laid plans go completely off track? It’s harder in these moments to trust and allow things to unfold without trying to control them. This is when you have to shift from the fear you are powerless over your life to the affirmation that you are the co-creator of your reality. Source means the origin of pure energy that flows through you—also … [Read more...]
Shine Your Light as an Evolutionary of Love
“Shine your light and make a positive impact on the world; there is nothing so honorable as helping improve the lives of others.” ~ Roy T. Bennett Women, as a powerful energy source, must take the lead to transform our world to a consciousness of love, harmony, and peace. As conscious evolutionaries of love, we can step into our feminine power, shine our light―and, in the process, elevate our consciousness to love. The chaos of our times is the result of a profound and intense time of transformation. Marianne Williamson writes about this intense time of transformation, “The chaos of our times is a reflection of a profound and inexorable … [Read more...]
3 Ways to Remain Positive and Centered While Moving through Intense Transitions
“Our life is an apprenticeship to the truth that around every circle another can be drawn; that there is no end in nature, but every end is a beginning, and under every deep a lower deep opens.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson Transitions are intense periods of discovery, self-healing, and personal transformation and open space for new possibilities and spiritual growth. From a spiritual point of view, a person’s life is a constant series of transitions: changing jobs or careers, suffering from and healing an illness, beginning or ending relationships, having a baby or facing a death in the family, and initiating or completing creative … [Read more...]
Become ‘Unmessable With’ By Setting Energetic Boundaries
“Compassionate people are boundaried people.” ~ Brene Brown Become “unmessable with” by setting healthy energetic boundaries. With energetic boundaries in place, we can create healthy relationships that support our soul’s evolution as well as enhance our lives. On the other hand, with loose boundaries or none at all, we can easily exhaust ourselves of energy or inadvertently take on the toxic energies of others. This can impede your spiritual growth, undermine your health, and damage your relationships. By setting energetic boundaries, you become a more loving, compassionate person. Such “love fences” allow you to compassionately engage … [Read more...]