Opening your heart in trust is one of the keys to living a soul-hearted life. One of the best ways to build your trust muscles is notice the divine signs all around you. Even if you don’t always recognize them in the moment, these divine signs are there for you all the time. All you have to do is open your heart and come into present awareness. You may never know why you make a wrong turn, get behind a slow driver, or have a strong desire to call a friend whom you have not seen in a while, and suddenly your friend phones you Yet, you have to trust yourself and accept that everything is unfolding optimally. You must always trust your first … [Read more...]
11 Empowering Affirmations to Open Your Heart
Empowering affirmations can elevate your vibration especially when you feel fear, disappointment, or doubt. By consciously rephrasing your negative thoughts to positive ones, you shift the vibrational frequency of your energy field. This shift in energy supports optimal health, vitality, and well-being. When you repeat these empowering affirmations throughout your day, you quiet your mind, move beyond your thoughts, and into the stillness. You also experience a deeper awareness because the vibration of the affirmation allows you to access present awareness. Finally, you discover your true being and recognize yourself at soul … [Read more...]
Holding the Space in Love for a Miracle
“Where love is present, there are always miracles.” Dr. Debra Reble On a typical gray winter day in Cleveland, I sat on the edge of the examining table in my oncologist’s office, gazing out the window and trying to soothe the terror that was rising within me. It was just yesterday that I was planning our spring vacation to New York City, driving my daughter to middle school, and sending care packages to my son at college. It was just last week that I committed to finishing my first book. It was just six years ago that I left an unhealthy marriage, met the love of my life, and married him in a romantic ceremony in Florence, … [Read more...]
Take Your Power Back by Choosing to Respond
Our lives are made of up of a series of choices everyday----whether or not we get out of bed, what we eat during the day, how we spend our time, whether to continue with a relationship, or what we do for a career. Each and every choice we make brings us closer to our dreams or away from them. Such choices either align with our soul’s path or not. Yet, the most important choice we can make every day is to respond rather than react to whatever comes into our lives. How many times have you said to yourself? “I don’t have a choice.” For example, you may feel you can’t decline a family invitation, say no to a friend, or tell your boss you’re … [Read more...]
5 Ways to Elevate Your Resolutions to Soul Intentions
Resolutions attract a fixed, limited, and lower vibrational energy because they originate from your brain. Instead of being gentle guides, they are dictates for what you "should” change, do, or accomplish. Resolutions come from a negative belief that there’s something wrong with you that needs to be fixed. “Soul”utions, on the other hand, are intentions that start with your innate divinity and elevate it to a higher, more evolved soul level. They are completely aligned with your soul’s path. These intentions originate from your heart and soul blueprint. They are divinely downloaded and stem from a divine energy that knows there’s nothing … [Read more...]
8 Sacred Strategies to Emotionally Detox & Restore Your Energetic Balance
Like a sponge, your sensitive energy field is porous and can soak up the anxious energy from others. This often leads to compassion fatigue or empathy overload. It’s important to clear your energy daily, and especially after any negative encounter or stressful situation, it’s important that you emotionally detox any anxiety or negative energy you may have absorbed. Here are 8 sacred strategies you can use to emotionally detox and restore energetic balance to your body, mind and spirit: Take frequent breaks throughout the day to decompress and restore balance. You can take this quiet time through meditation, journaling, or … [Read more...]
A Sacred Chat with Your Anxiety Journal Practice
Anxiety is your body’s signal that there’s something that needs your attention. It can be an emotion that needs to be processed, a painful wound that needs to be healed, or as spiritual information to guide you. Looked at in this light, anxiety is there to assist you, not harm you. It doesn’t have to be debilitating. In fact, it can even be beneficial, if you embrace it as part of your spiritual guidance system. You can embrace anxiety as a spiritual guide by having a sacred chat with it and seeing what it’s trying to tell you. When you feel anxious, your energies become scattered and it’s hard to focus. So, it’s important to first notice … [Read more...]
3 Anxiety-Soothing Strategies to Enhance Your Inner Peace
You have chosen an extraordinary time to be on earth to assist in the healing of humanity. This is an intense period of self-healing, self-discovery, personal and global transformation. Therefore, maintaining balance and centeredness is challenging right now as we navigate the rough seas of this shift in human consciousness. Yet, you may feel anxious navigating the energies of these intense and turbulent times. You are not alone. Because of this energetic intensity, you may feel more edgy, restless, and unsettled than usual. You can sense what other people and the world needs and want to provide it. Within every storm, there is a calm … [Read more...]
4 Ways to Create Powerful Soul Intentions for the New Year
You hold the power to co-create the divine life you want through your intentions and the inspired choices you make. Your intentions are your memo to the universe and divinely direct your energy. Liking a tuning fork being struck, intention creates a vibrational space which is the present moment. When you bring awareness and energy to this space, you are open to co-create what you want in your life from infinite possibilities. You are connected to a field of divine energy that emanates from you. Intention gives your energy direction. By becoming aware and intentional, you open yourself to the exquisite space of co-creation. Like dropping … [Read more...]
A Reflection Practice for the Winter Solstice
For millennia, winter solstice celebrations have heralded the return of the light and are a time of quiet reflection and intention. In many Native American cultures, tribes and families would gather to start up a new year at the solstice and have a special celebration where they would make a request to the Great Spirit to eliminate certain things that they no longer wanted in their lives. As a way of representing this, they would craft six arrows: three to represent the things they did not want and three for the things they did want. They called them “death” arrows and “life” arrows because they held respectfully, the things they wanted … [Read more...]