With what’s been going on in the world or in your daily life, you may feel like you don’t have much control these days. You may feel shaken to your core, your world turned upside down, and your trust muscles stretched to the limits. When overwhelmed by anxiety, you view life from survival mode instead of from a higher level of awareness. Your sense of trust in the universe wavers which makes you more vulnerable to negativity. That’s why it’s important to drop into your heart, raise your energy, and trust your connection to a universe that not only is friendly, but has your back. Recently, I had the opportunity to … [Read more...]
3 Sacred Strategies to Overcome Fear, Transcend Negativity, and Support Your Soul’s Path
Have you been feeling the whirlwind energy of the planet? It’s been quite the energetic roto-rooter, bringing the fear and negativity of our current consciousness to the surface for clearing. Although this ten-year cycle started in 2010 which has been necessary for our personal and global transformation, it’s been quite the wild ride. During this unprecedented time of accelerated shift, you may feel more forgetful, confused, and ungrounded more than usual. You may need more rest and chill time because of your heightened sensitivities. Even if you’re not typically fearful, you may feel anxious with the chaos and upheaval going on in the … [Read more...]
3 Sacred Ways to Honor the Space Between No Longer and Not Yet
“Honor the space between no longer and not yet.... This is the place where resilience, possibility and opportunity are born.”~ Nancy Levin Just like there’s a space between one breath to another, there’s a sacred space between no longer and not yet. It’s a transformative space that opens up when you move from one phase of your life to another. It’s essential to honor this sacred space that allows you to integrate all that has happened or experienced in your life, and what you want to create in the future. It’s the creational space where all possibilities exist for you manifest your highest and best life. Sometimes these transitional … [Read more...]
Trusting Your Connection to Source
One of the cornerstones of living a soul-hearted life is trusting your connection to source. As you’ve probably discovered in your own life, it’s easy to trust in the divine when things are going as you’ve planned or envisioned. But, what about the times when you are challenged, or your best laid plans go completely off track? It’s harder in these moments to trust and allow things to unfold without trying to control them. This is when you have to shift from the fear you are powerless over your life to the affirmation that you are the co-creator of your reality. Source means the origin of pure energy that flows through you—also known as … [Read more...]
Noticing the Divine Signs All Around You
One of the best ways to build our trust muscles is notice the divine signs all around us. Even if we don’t always recognize them in the moment, these divine signs are there guiding us all the time. You may never know why you make a wrong turn, get behind a slow driver, or pick up the phone and say to a friend something that comes from out of the blue. Yet, you have to trust that everything is unfolding optimally and for you highest soul self. When you let go of your frustration at what seems like roadblocks, you discover that the slower pace has allowed you to spend more time enjoying precious moments, or notice a particular detail that … [Read more...]
4 Soul-Hearted Strategies to Communicate Consciously & Compassionately in Times of Stress
Using conscious compassionate communication (CCC) helps you express yourself from a heart-centered place rather than from an ego driven place. It connects us, heart and soul, and promotes a deepening of trust, understanding, and intimacy in our relationships. The poet, Amma once said, “There are two types of language in the world: the language of the intellect and the language of the heart.” Yet, the one most universally shared is that of the heart. Ultimately when we engage in conscious communication, we are exchanging divine energy with another. It takes only the love-light in our eyes or the elevated vibration of our voice to create a … [Read more...]
Trust the Signs by Creating a Divine Validation List
Opening your heart in trust is one of the keys to living a soul-hearted life. One of the best ways to build your trust muscles is notice the divine signs all around you. Even if you don’t always recognize them in the moment, these divine signs are there for you all the time. All you have to do is open your heart and come into present awareness. You may never know why you make a wrong turn, get behind a slow driver, or have a strong desire to call a friend whom you have not seen in a while, and suddenly your friend phones you Yet, you have to trust yourself and accept that everything is unfolding optimally. You must always trust your first … [Read more...]
4 Sacred Practices to Move You from Fear to Freedom
Trust is the energetic space between your fear and everything working out for your highest and best. For example, imagine crossing a deep chasm with no bridge to get to the other side. On the side you are standing is fear and on the other side is what you want to create in your life. When you step out into thin air, you are stepping in the space of trust. By being bold-hearted, you co-create the invisible trust bridge that gets you to the other side of fear. When you open your heart and let go of fear, uncertainty, and self-doubt, you create the energetic space for the universe to assist you. Trust kicks in and opens you to all the … [Read more...]
Create a Divine Validation List to Stretch Your Trust Muscles
One of the best ways to build and stretch our trust muscles is to notice the divine signs all around us. Even if we don’t always recognize them in the moment, these divine signs are there guiding us all the time. You may never know why you make a wrong turn, get behind a slow driver, or pick up the phone and say to a friend something that comes from out of the blue. Yet, you have to trust yourself and accept that everything is unfolding optimally. You must always trust your first gut instinct. When you sense or feel something’s right at that moment, it usually is. If you have a doubt, then there is no doubt. Your spirit acts in … [Read more...]
Come Home to Your Heart: The Seat of Trust, Truth, and Tranquility
“What is not love is always fear, and nothing else.” A Course in Miracles. Come home to your heart, the seat of trust, spiritual truth, and tranquility. This is where trust in yourself and your divine source live. In fact, the lower vibration of fear cannot co-exist with the high vibe energy of trust in the space of your heart. Opening your heart allows you to access your spiritual guidance system and develop a deep trust of yourself. Moreover, the quality of your life improves because you wake up each day with positive energy, inspiration, and greater joy. Over the years, many of my clients have asked me, “How do I distinguish the voice … [Read more...]