Taking charge of our destiny requires us to nurture and sustain a more conscious relationship with ourselves by becoming accountable for our lives-every thought, feeling, and choice we make. Being responsible for ourselves means becoming aware of our negative perceptions, the dynamics of our current relationships, and our prospects for the future. The intrinsic power to realize our dreams begins with trusting ourselves and choosing to live fully expressed in every moment, no matter what is happening in our lives. It is up to us to fulfill our full potential as individuals and then attract, develop, and sustain the most inspiring and fulfilling relationships possible to support this potential.
To begin this process, it is important to more fully understand why most people have difficulty realizing their dreams. Over the years, I have listened to many people searching for answers to the questions “How did I lose myself and what do I want?” and “How did I forget that I have the innate power to create my dreams?” My response to them is that they deferred listening to their own inner voice and instead listened to the voices of others, absorbing incessant, external programming. Family, friends, and society all help to push the message that to achieve real happiness we must make sacrifices-compromising our true being.
At times, nearly everyone has been taught to believe that their dreams, the proverbial pink bubble, were unattainable. Well-meaning parents, friends, and teachers reprimanded us when we daydreamed or attempted to share our visions. Being chastised when we had our head in the clouds and lectured that life was too serious to waste in fantasizing about impossible dreams, we may have struggled to fit in, yielded to the opinions of others, and dismissed our deepest callings.
Programmed with such negative mindsets, we persuaded ourselves that our destiny comes from external events, not the flow of light energy through our hearts. And when we fail to realize our dreams, we convince ourselves that this is “as good as it gets.” We settle for mediocrity for ourselves because we are unable to imagine a more fulfilling life, let alone manifest our truest intentions.
Recognize that in dismissing your dreams you disregard your natural ability to fully express yourself. Like Snow White being enticed to take a bite from the poisoned apple, you can become seduced by the spell of lethal messages reinforcing your feelings of powerlessness and tuning out the voice of spirit speaking through your heart, which urges you to dream. It takes a loving, trusting relationship with yourself to avoid succumbing to this spell so that you remain awake and inspired to follow your heart’s desires. Yet, not following the voice of your spirit is life’s ultimate compromise. In disconnecting from your spiritual source and losing the true foundation for creating the life you most desire, you not only forfeit your dreams but perpetuate unhealthy and unfulfilling relationships.
But unlike in the movies where the protagonist must overcome obstacles, you do not have to trudge through life’s lessons to realize your dreams. The only dragons you need to slay are the negative mindsets that stand between you and your future. Releasing your negative mindsets begins with supplanting beliefs such as “My dreams are pure fantasy” and “This is the best relationship I’ll ever have” with affirmations such as “I can make my dreams come true” and “I can have the best relationship possible.” Next, you can listen to the voice of spirit speaking through your heart, telling you that you are the creator of your own reality. Then feeling completely free to dream without inhibition, you can imagine your ideal life without limitations. In seeing life from this perspective, you open yourself to new possibilities and ways to manifest them through your intentions.
Dream, Dare, Do
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