Using the power of intention is not about setting a specific goal and focusing so much on it that you lose sight of other possibilities. On the contrary, it is about setting a goal, being open to the many choices that present themselves in reaching that goal, then selecting the ones most likely to bring about the desired outcome.
Just as a plane is guided onto the runway, into the air, and to its destination by airline personnel and air traffic controllers, you, as copilot, can guide your intention into reality by co-navigating with your source. Making your flight plan a reality, however, necessitates being out in front of your intention, which means thinking and acting as if your intention has already manifested. Spirit assists in manifesting your intention by guiding the choices you make. You can be out in front of your intention by using creative visualization. Close your eyes and imagine how your manifested intention would look and feel in your life. Next, trust and affirm that your intention has already been manifested. Then expand your conscious awareness so you are open to the spiritual information that comes through your heart guiding the choices that bring your intention into reality.
In addition, because any thought or spoken word functions as an intention, it is crucial to keep thoughts and words positive. The phrase “Be careful what you wish for” applies to the potential outcomes of thinking or speaking negatively. If you catch yourself thinking or speak negatively, shift your ideas, words, or tone to be more positive.
It is important that our intentions reflect what we want rather than what we don’t want, because any intention has the power to manifest. For instance, if you complain to a coworker that you hate your job and wish you didn’t have to be there, you are setting a negative intention. In generating energy to support this intention, you may get your wish and end up being fired. For better results you could express your intention positively by saying, for example, “I want to use my talents and abilities to create a new career” or “I desire a job in which I can express myself more fully.” Having set a positive intention, you can manifest a new job by being aware of possibilities that will help you find it, such as talking to someone who tells you about another position, seeing a job advertised in the paper or on the Internet, or running into a friend who wants to start a business with you.
Trusting the manifestation of our intentions transforms our reality and allows us to relinquish attempts to control our destiny, such as trying to physically, mentally, or emotionally manipulate people, thus helping us attain more peace of mind and work more cooperatively with others. The Serenity Prayer used in AA and other self-empowerment programs underscores this dynamic by stressing the advantage of accepting the things we cannot change (such as other people), having the courage to change the things we can (such as ourselves), and having the wisdom to know the difference.
Familiarity with the transformative power of intention makes us realize that we have many more possibilities in life than we could possibly envision through the lens of old mindsets. In co-creating with our divine source, we can consciously choose what we want in life. And with new confidence in the innate power of intention to manifest our desires, we can trust in our ability to make our dreams come true.
HI Debra! Great write up. I love reading and writing about manifesting myself. SO true, “Be careful what you wish for”, you just may get it LOL! It is very important to focus on what you do want rather than what you do not. Thanks for the reminders and have a great day
Dear Debra, what a wonderful article! Your message really resonates with me, most especially this line: “Making your flight plan a reality, however, necessitates being out in front of your intention, which means thinking and acting as if your intention has already manifested. Spirit assists in manifesting your intention by guiding the choices you make.” This is something I am really working on in 2015 because I think that my mindset has always been that “I’m in the process.” For real miracle manifestation, I’m going to begin operating as if I’m already there. Thanks so much for the perfect words at the perfect time. Spirits must be working with me already! <3
Hi! I agree with you so much! Thank you for encouraging and uplifting with your beautiful article!
Wonderful reminders, Debra – allowing the unfolding, listening for messages, and popping into synchronicity! Thank you!
I love the phrase “being out in front of our intention”. I wholeheartedly agree that we need to regulate our negative thoughts – toward ourselves and others – because they can be more harmful than we realize. Your post is a great reminder!
You and I are SO in sync! One of my lessons I learned when it comes to setting my intentions (deliberate action with definite purpose) is to not attach myself to the outcome but to allow the universe to work her magic as she is far better at the HOW than I am. My job is the what and to be crystal clear about the what in an always present and always positive way and the Universe pretty much takes care of the rest. Ask. Believe. Receive 🙂
The power of intention is something I have been seeing and hearing a lot about with friends and on social media. I liked what you mention about not being held onto the outcome of the intention. I used to do this all the time and then I read or heard somewhere that you allow the universe to take care of that part. Also, to concentrate on what you want instead of what you don’t want is another valid point. I used to say what I didn’t want. Now, the focus is keeping the intention positive. And just creating a more positive overall outlook on experiences throughout my day or week because then I am on a continuous level of higher vibration.
Thanks for sharing this post.
I so appreciate this article. And I particularly like how you highlight that we must release the outcome even as we are trying to manifest that outcome. I have recently gone through a process of declaring myself “open to possibilities that benefit me and my family.” So instead of assuming I know exactly what that outcome is, I’m declaring that I want more positive changes and am staying open to whatever comes my way. I’m flowing WITH the current of life instead of trying to swim upstream. It’s a lovely way to co-create!
Great reminders Debra! As I used to work for the airlines, I often refer to the phases of travel and how they relate to life;) So I had to giggle when I saw your reference to co-piloting with Source. Yep, destination flight plan has been entered and now course adjusting along the way… Thanks and many joyful blessings, Tina