When we fall in love, we get a glimpse of our lover’s soul. When we flow in love, all impediments fall away, and their soul is all we see. To fall in love is magical; to flow in love is mystical. When we flow in love with another person, we engage in the ultimate dance of soul-hearted partnership, sharing our joy, passion, and exuberance for life. The unceasing flow of love that we exude affects how we wake up in the morning, carry ourselves, handle disappointment, give and receive love, and sustain our soul connection.
We should not assume that there is only one soul mate for each person and we have to seek them out to be happy. Rather, there are thousands of soul-connections with whom we can interact over a lifetime. Upon encountering any person with whom we have such a connection, we instantly are drawn to them, and experience an energetic connection through our thoughts, feelings, and bodily responses. We may not see each other for long periods of time, but our bond remains forever.
Soul mates appear in our lives to assist us with our soul’s progression. They enhance our lives by providing insights, unconditional love, and spiritual assistance. Most importantly, we attract such soul-connected people into our lives by being our own soul mate, committed to doing the heart-centered spiritual work that it takes to stay true to our soul’s journey.
Most of us have the capability to love someone; however, to love and connect with them on a heart and soul level takes it up a few spiritual notches. A soul-hearted partner is a soul mate with whom we develop and sustain intimacy― not just at the soul level, but on all levels: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. While a soul mate is like a diamond in the rough with its sparkle of potential, a soul-hearted partner is a diamond that has been cut and polished to bring out its brilliance and placed in a four-pronged setting of love, trust, intimacy, and full self-expression. All soul-hearted partners are soul mates; yet not all soul mates become soul-hearted partners. Some become lifelong best friends or inspirational guides; others fade out of our lives once they’ve bestowed the gifts they came to give us.
Soul-hearted relationships are two or more individuals ―whether a couple, a family, friends, or an entire community―connected heart to heart and soul to soul, and share an alchemy of love energy. With each person operating at their utmost soul potential, contributing to the power of this stream, it flows unimpeded. The soul-hearted partners assist each other in growing spiritually and living in congruence with their souls’ journeys. In such a relationship, each individual is celebrated for who they truly are—a radiant soul on a dynamic spiritual journey.
Not only do they have the freedom to pursue their passions, follow their hearts, and express their vulnerable selves, they also have the inspiration and support to do so, due to the increased energy available to them. With such energetic support, obstacles crumble, fears dissipate, and self-expression surges forth beyond anything they had ever imagined. Like popcorn, the kernels of their divine potential are able to burst forth through the nurturing of each other’s being.
Cultivating such soul-hearted relationships takes effort and a spiritual commitment by both partners. As a whole, relationships provide us with numerous opportunities for self-realization by inspiring us to expand our conscious awareness, address our vulnerabilities, and spiritually progress beyond what we can achieve alone. When both partners are actively pursuing their own spiritual growth, they offer each other a commitment to be the best they can be. By recognizing and releasing the individual patterns and energy blocks that threaten to disrupt the positive flow of our energy, we become more self-realized and increasingly responsive to ourselves, our partner, and our relationship. The mantra for this kind of relationship is: “I am whole and complete in myself, and I offer that to you.” Or as John Legend sings in “All of Me,” “Give your all to me, and I’ll give my all to you.”
The opening to love and connection that we can experience with a soul-hearted partner is something for which all human beings strive. To attract such loving and connected relationships into our lives, we must first embody the love and connection we seek. We do this by expressing genuine love in our every encounter so that the positive energy stream we generate makes each moment of our lives a loving meditation.
I really appreciate your clarification that, “Soul mates appear in our lives to assist us with our soul’s progression. They enhance our lives by providing insights, unconditional love, and spiritual assistance.” These deep life changing connections are so powerful and teach us how to receive. I love your reminder that we have the power to express love in every encounter creating a loving meditation of our lives! Thank you so much for sharing your loving wisdom Debra!
This is a beautiful post on so many levels. What struck me and made me smile was this, : “I am whole and complete in myself,” I use this mantra in my yoga nidra class, reminding my students they are whole and complete. When we understand our wholeness, we are better able to remain open to love and soul centered relationships.
My soul-centered relationships are the ones that have endured for anywhere from 10-50 years and still as beautiful and meaningful as the day we met.
To attract such loving and connected relationships into our lives, we must first embody the love and connection we seek.
I love this statement.
Thank you for clearing making the difference. I learnt a whole lot.
Very beautiful. Soul connections are so important
This is a wonderful article, Debra. You clarify the difference between soul mates and soul-hearted relationships in a way that is easy to comprehend. it’s easy to forget that “…relationships provide us with numerous opportunities for self-realization by inspiring us to expand our conscious awareness, address our vulnerabilities, and spiritually progress beyond what we can achieve alone.”