“Every experience and every change in your experience reflects intention.” ~ Gary Zukav
Like an artist facing a blank canvas, you can use the power of intention to alter the direction of your life. Intention functions like a cosmic magnet, drawing to you the people places, and opportunities that shape your future reality. It is up to you to select from these choices as to what aligns with you and what does not. The more you trust the power of your intentions, the easier it is to manifest the life you’ve always dreamed.
You are connected to a field of divine energy that emanates from you. Intention gives your awareness (energy) direction. By becoming aware and declaring your intentions, you open yourself to the exquisite space of co-creation. Like dropping a pebble into a pond, your intention sets off an energetic vibration that radiates outward from the heart center and shifts everything in its path. Your energy field is the pond and your intention, the pebble.
Soul intentions come from your heart and support your soul blueprint. They are divinely downloaded, empowering and in alignment with your soul’s evolution. They originate from a whole, loving energy that knows you don’t need to be fixed, only supported to evolve to your highest potential.
The intentions for creating anything in your life birth from blessings, from a state of gratitude. Blessings of gratitude are the seeds for your intentions of health, happiness and an abundance of all that is good. Close your eyes, open your heart, and focus your energies here. Visualize the people, events, things that you are grateful for right now. Reflect on these and expand your heart even more. Now see these blessings going out into the center of this sacred space. Release everything else.
Here are a few guidelines for creating soul intentions that reflect and tap into your soul’s blueprint:
Write down your soul’s vision of your life now, in six months, in a year, and in five years. Consciously connect to your soul’s vision through prayer, meditation, being in nature, or simple mindfulness. You can use a vision board, a manifestation map, or a large piece of paper and colored markers to create a vision of your life. Start with the important elements and the things that matter most and are near and dear to your heart and soul.
From your vision, create your soul intentions: Consider the three most important aspects of your life: health, relationships, and finances. What is one soul intention you want to manifest from each area? What matters most to you? What are your non-negotiables? Be as clear as you can. Now select a word or phrase that captures your intentions. Write them in your journal. Then put them on a Post-It Note and place them where you will see them. Each time you notice the word, say it to yourself or out loud. Be open to the spiritual information that comes through your awareness to guide the inspired choices that will bring this intention into reality.
Imagine your intention as if it has already manifested: Close your eyes and visualize what your manifested intention would look and feel like in your life. Paint a picture of it and see it unfolding in your life. See the people, situations, and things that come in to support your intentions. As you go through your day, think and act as if your intention has already manifested. Observe your language and notice if it aligns with your intentions and is positive. If not, immediately catch and release the negative and replace it with language that supports your intentions.
This suggestion is perfectly timed: “Write down your soul’s vision of your life now, in six months, in a year, and in five years. Consciously connect to your soul’s vision through prayer, meditation, being in nature, or simple mindfulness.”
I’m now looking ahead to year end of this which already feels completed and into 2020 especially for my Eat, Pray Write Retreats.
I just need to pause and DO THIS.
Such beautifully written from the heart of soul. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and tips. 🙏
You are speaking my language girl! I love the idea of living, and feeling as though I already manifested my soul’s intention. Sharing this with my tribe.
I love the idea of living and feeling as if my soul’s intentions are being manifested, Debra. It gives more clarity to each action that we take during the day to achieve what we want.
I love the visual of a pebble in the water and the ripples our intentions send out!
Debra, I love the powerful processes you’ve shared and so related to the beautiful metaphor “Your energy field is the pond and your intention, the pebble.” Thanks for sharing your wisdom.
This is something I continuously work on. Thank you for the inspiration and the added encouragement. A divinely inspired message.