We are always moving through transitions. Like change, they are predictable. This is a particularly intense period of transition regarding personal transformation. Whether we are experiencing it as a tsunami or the more gentle ebb and flow of a wave, each of us is up for life-altering movement in our lives. We can recognize that we are in a time of tremendous shift, trust what’s in store for our future, and move through these tumultuous times with ease knowing we are prepared. Another choice would be to play victim, react in fear, remain stuck in the past, and shun the opportunity that we have created for personal and spiritual growth.
Transitions are opportunities to let go of what we don’t want in our lives and create what we do want and when used wisely are powerful. Our intentions, especially when we are aware of them, set in motion these transformational shifts and it is up to us what choices we make in how to best utilize our energy. These are the times when we know our memo to the universe has been heard and everything feels as if it is in commotion or co-motion. This is our spirit bringing in new information to guide this next phase of our lives.
We can experience this co-motion as chaotic, discombobulating, or disorientating such as misplacing our keys, getting lost while driving someplace familiar, or spacing out over the simplest things. Because we are in a creational space, we are highly vulnerable and may experience physical and emotional exhaustion. Sometimes, we may even miscalculate and cut our finger, bump into things, or create a mishap just to ground our energies when we feel the grids that hold our physical reality together as we know it shift and move. For example, we may think we lost an expensive pair of glasses, only to find them on the car floor next to the driver’s seat where they had been all along in a separate and simultaneous reality. Once we completely let go of them, they can show up new and without a scratch which is exactly what happened to me.
When these physical realities shift, we feel thrown off center, our identities uncertain, and begin to question who we are and what we really want. If we have defined ourselves by our job, accomplishments, or relationships, it is an opportunity to discover our truer selves and let go of these identities. Many emotions come and go at this time such as fear, sadness, confusion, and self-doubt. This is a good thing because these “Oh My God” moments will ultimately transform into “What’s next?” moments.
So, how do we navigate this tumultuous tide of transition where everything is in flux? We need to use the energy source that has been unleashed to create our future well. Also, we have to remind ourselves to hold steady, open our hearts, and trust ourselves no matter if we lose our favorite pair of glasses, our balance, our job, or a friend or family member. At times, using the elements of nature or physical exercise can calm and stabilize our energies. Even a shower can clear and cleanse our energy field during such stressful periods. Remember, we are in preparation for the next positive forward movement toward our future, We are given the amazing opportunity to change direction, clear our path of anything that doesn’t serve us, and set new intentions of what truly does.
It is always essential that we love unconditionally, particularly now and let go of more in our lives then ever before. In letting go of one reality, we open to new possibilities. This is the exquisite space of creation and positive, no matter what it looks at the time.
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Not sure what’s going on but you can also sign up for the weekly blog on the first page of the website. Many blessings and thank you for tuning in.