Tuning into the inner guidance of our spirit helps us develop a more conscious relationship with our true being-the full expression of our soul’s journey through our human experience. When we open our hearts and access our inner voice, we invite spirit to guide us, at which point its whisper provides a flow of spiritual information we can use to make better, more discerning choices in our lives.
This interaction between spirit and soul originates in age-old distinctions between the two phenomena. In the fifth century BC, Socrates and Plato supported the premise that there is an individual human spirit and a collective soul, and when the spirit leaves the body it continues on to the environment of the soul. In other words, the soul is an energetic environment like the air we breathe, a pure consciousness that everyone has the ability to access. The soul has nothing to do with our physical existence other than providing light energy that illuminates the spirit. When the spirit is lighted, the body tunes to this pure vibration. Through the divine energy connection of spirit to soul, spirit then guides us while giving us freedom to choose our life’s path, and soul provides us with a blank screen on which we imprint our choices at every moment.
Realizing the choices we have in our lives and the divine right we have to make them is empowering. Similar to violinist Isaac Stern’s claim that music is created in the space between the notes, our spirit enlivens an otherwise insipid physical existence, providing the capacity for love, joy, and compassion in between the events of daily life and inspiring us to fully express ourselves. Music, like pure love, is a universal language connecting us heart and soul. This experience of full self-expression reflects our divine potential.
Being disconnected from the inner voice of spirit diminishes our conscious awareness and traps us in the details of daily life, leaving us at the mercy of circumstances, wandering aimlessly without a sense of direction or purpose. Displaced from the high-energy spirit-to-soul link up, we also miss the spiritual guideposts directing us and feel depressed.
When you tune into the guidance of spirit, you will soon realize that this leads to a richer, more expansive way to live-even when it takes you down a more challenging path. In trusting the wisdom of spirit’s guidance, you are assisted with daily problems and waste less valuable time and energy being anxious about life’s difficulties. In addition, the guidance of spirit allows you to respond using expanded conscious awareness rather than react to events and relationships, giving us even greater inner trust, security, and peace.
Your inner voice of spirit will constantly remind you of who you are and what your heart most desires even when you choose to ignore the information. The more you open your heart and gain access to this guidance, the more you expand your perspective which will allow you to consciously override the mental noise that may threaten to overwhelm your true being. Instead of adhering to the dictates of your analytical brain you can instead follow your heart’s desires. When you are guided by spirit, you can experience your mistakes as divine opportunities to transform your life.
Thanks Debra – this all means so very much – I struggle daily with the thoughts in my analytical brain and trusting spirit. I need to trust spirit more!
So Important tuning into our inner guidance, also means to are touching out love centre <3
Wonderful post Debra, I love being guided by spirit and knowing that even though I do not always follow, that guidance is there all the time whenever i choose it.
Yes, yes and yes, Debra!
Loved reading that “the soul is an energetic environment like the air we breathe, a pure consciousness that everyone has the ability to access.” So beautiful. Makes me feel very connected to others when I remember this.
Our inner voice is essential to ‘tune’ into daily for more reasons than I can list here! I love this bit in your article Debra – Violinist Isaac Stern’s claims, “Music is created in the space between the notes, our spirit enlivens an otherwise insipid physical existence, providing the capacity for love, joy, and compassion in between the events of daily life and inspiring us to fully express ourselves.” Simply beautiful. Powerful article. Thank You! XOX
“Your inner voice of spirit will constantly remind you of who you are and what your heart most desires even when you choose to ignore the information.” Boy oh boy can I attest to the “even when you choose to ignore the information.” Oh yes, my inner voice came through loud and clear! I finally had no choice but to pay attention 🙂
Beautiful post Debra! Love this part: “Similar to violinist Isaac Stern’s claim that music is created in the space between the notes, our spirit enlivens an otherwise insipid physical existence, providing the capacity for love, joy, and compassion in between the events of daily life and inspiring us to fully express ourselves. Music, like pure love, is a universal language connecting us heart and soul.”
You’re so right, not connecting with our inner voice traps us in the details of daily life and we miss the living from an authentic place, embracing who we really are!
So much beautiful wisdom in this post Debra! Thank you for sharing from your heart.
Much Love,